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the showman

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Everything posted by the showman
  1. That looks the mutts nuts mate , if I lived closer ide be over for a bacon sarnie
  2. The bottom rail needs to go on a bed of morter because the drive is a bit uneven so cant do anymore till we get some dry days, as with the roof just have to wait now to do anymore
  3. Haven't done much today because of the rain. I think its rained all day with 15 minutes in between the showers. I got the front top rail on and the cross beams to support the roof.
  4. Nice to see the snow Mark but it wouldn't get me out of bed at 6 am
  5. Its a 4 HP Bradford stationary engine, its not open crank but a spare for the one that's fitted in Shak'in Horse
  6. Everything in order Mark and I know where everything is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well most of it
  7. That's as high as Pam told me to go, just to keep it below next doors fence
  8. 4 or 5 years ago i was clearing pallets from a ride-on tractor dealer, they were what the new tractors came in and were nicely made of thick wood. I had so many at one point i had to put up a store to put the wood in to keep it dry before we could burn it in the stove. As the wood pile went down I sneaked a few Wheehorse parts in there but just recently i seem to have more in-coming than out-going so decided to give it a makeover and make it more accessible and watertight . Some photos to follow shortly for Stormin
  9. Many happy returns Charlie, hope you have a good day with lots of presents, food and drink
  10. That all looks a right mess, you did well to save it all. Looking good after some black paint
  11. My entry forms arrived today, they sent me 4 so I guess I'm talking 4 Wheehorse's
  12. Looks good so far, thats gonna keep ya nice and warm. Are you going to put a flat top on it for the kettle?
  13. Nice to see the "before" photos Alan, I remember you showing me the photos of the hood repairs at Kingsfold a few years ago and I must say what a brilliant job you made of it. Over the last few weeks ive seen and heard this running round Johns place and it is a first class restoration
  14. Thanks Richard, that's a handy link i'll make a note of that
  15. That looks awesome will the hood still fit ?
  16. Ah I remember now you've got the square ones the same as my zig zag harrow I guess i could make some Nigel just thought it would be easier to buy some if their cheap.I've got some bigger ones i spose i could cut them in half
  17. Here's a couple of photos Doug, they can be a bigger and i will need 6, many thanks
  18. Thats great and thanks, i remember seeing the photos but couldnt remember who had them. I'll do a photo and size tomorrow.
  19. I seem to remember someone had boxes of tynes that he ended up with from an auction but can't remember who it was, can anyone remember please
  20. the showman

    Bolens 1556

    That looks nice Chris, I like the power bulge on the hood
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