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the showman

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Everything posted by the showman
  1. Wow-cha, you've done it mate
  2. Looks good Norm, workshop looks tidy too
  3. If I come across them again Norm i'll put them in the van for ya
  4. Good vids mate, very interesting thanks for taking the time to do them
  5. I forgot to look for white bits, I found some red bits but they had royal mail stamped on them
  6. As a few of you will have read i came home from Johns yesterday with a sprinter load of wood. As I've been poorly for a couple of weeks and having a polythene sheet for a roof my wood stock had gone down dramatically so as it was a wet day i thought I'd cut it up
  7. Good photos Alan, it was a job that we've been talking about for a while. The red car i had running a few weeks ago that ran very well and on the fuel that was in it !!!. Its only got 17 k on the speedo but i dont know if thats right. In all a very constructive day with plenty of tea and good banter. Thanks to John and Alan for an enjoyable day
  8. Glad they work ok Norm, i looked into getting one before i bought my tractor lift
  9. Looks a nice bit of kit Andrew, well done finding one up there !
  10. It takes a little while to get the hang of it Mark, but very enjoyable once you get going
  11. All you need now is someone to give you a tow out then Chris
  12. Wheels look nice Paul you just need to paint your nuts white
  13. Have you tried the Toro master parts viewer ? Enter your serial number or look at model search then click product details at the top right corner That should give you a build data sheet.
  14. Nice tractor mate, should have popped in for a cuppa
  15. Surprised your changing all the front end after all the work you did with the power steering but will be nice when its done
  16. Looks like you had a successful day and some photos aswell, well done boys
  17. Happy birthday boys, enjoy your day
  18. Looks like your over working Norm Jonathan, has he nodded off
  19. After the weeks drama I've had it was good to get away up to Johns and spend the day having fun. It was a lovely sunny day and it was spent outside ( apart from drinking tea ) having fun in the mini digger. It's certainly given me some ideas on a new project and I wasn't nodding off in the last photo, the sun was shining in my face
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