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the showman

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Everything posted by the showman
  1. Good video, bet your glad you filmed it Saturday and not Sunday other wise you would have a lot of umbrellas and people packing up
  2. Looks a good show, steamers always look nice at night
  3. Didn't take any today as my camera isn't an underwater model , at least I took it with me just in case it stopped
  4. Don't forget to bring your coffee, I only drink tea
  5. One good thing about that is I didn't have to make you coffee
  6. Went back this morning and as i got there it started raining, it got worse as the morning went on and I didn't bother unloading the Wheelhorse's. We walked up and had a breakfast roll and tea and by 12.30 everyone was packing up so i came home. Its a great show and well worth a visit but when it's chucking it down it suc's, luckily i managed to get out before it got to muddy.
  7. the showman


    That looks great Norm, another 2 or 3 and you'll have it right
  8. That's a nice one Koen, and all ready to go . We could all get together and do Wheelhorse formation ploughing
  9. Spent the day at Ringmer after all the rain we had yesterday I didn't bother taking the caravan but it wasn't as muddy as I thought anyway heres a few photos of today and i'll do some tomorrow.
  10. Softie or not at least I'm not in a field waiting for a tow covered in mud and soaking wet and cold
  11. Was going over today but we've had heavy rain here all day so will see what its like in the morning
  12. the showman


    If it works, have you enough metal to make another hitch?
  13. the showman


    I see you haven't got the disc on it, are you going to use it and whats it for ?. I was going to cut 2 inches off mine to make it lower, do you think thats an advantage i know you thought about it
  14. Thanks Paul, nice to have my name in an American magazine again
  15. I agree with Norm, the grille looks good.
  16. Yes a very enjoyable day apart from the showers it was nice to met Iain and Melc and see them off with a van loaded with more stuff then i had
  17. the showman


    That looks good Norm, will you need any weight on the front when you lift the plough
  18. the showman


    Don't know if i will have time to fit my plough
  19. Those panels really finish it off mate, Put some plastic pipe over the rear tyres, that would make it interesting!!!
  20. the showman


    Wear something old Andrew, I'm sure we can get you involved somehow
  21. the showman


    What did you have to do that for, now I'll have to do something to mine or use yours 😜😜😜
  22. They look nice, there's no stopping you today, did you have 3 wetabix this morning 😋😋😋
  23. Thats good news Norm, cheaper than buying mine
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