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the showman

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Everything posted by the showman
  1. After more than 16 years of faithful friendship ive had to say goodbye to one of my best friends today. Sandy my ginger tom has been poorly for a few days and we had to make the decision of what's best for him. The vet was very good and Sandy went to sleep in Pams arms, we bought him home and put him to rest at one of his favourite spots in the garden. He will be sadly missed by friends and family
  2. Looks a good write up from what i can see, will have to go out and get a copy now. Shame we didn't make the numbers that we hoped for but we still got the mention in a national magazine and thanks to all the Wheelhorse owners that did turn up
  3. That's a good idea Koen but I haven't got enough ground clearance under the trike but i have been thinking of making a grader blade for it
  4. Nice sunny day so i did a bit in the garden and made the disc harrow more Wheelhorse friendly
  5. I've just sold a Tarpen little giant chainsaw and hedge cutter, pmackellow is the man to speak to about Tarpen stuff, he has a shed full of it and lots of brochures
  6. Well done on finding your parts, put my name on the RED paint please
  7. Fantastic work, looks well good
  8. They look better Norm, you've made a good job
  9. Blimey Norm you've been busy, I've been running around all day and achieved very little
  10. Cant make it today Alan, trying to get my stuff ready for Wiston at the weekend. Unless there's something you've found for me
  11. Can someone please turn me up the right way, all the blood is running to my head
  12. Well done mate, it's your fault for making me drink those Desperadoes
  13. Mr John Webster had an exhausting day at the show
  14. As many as that Chris, they must be big machines with the size of your trailer, better make some more room
  15. First day at the show, here's a few photos
  16. Small bottles or not people over here can still have to much and cause problems, you can buy it by the pint on tap over here in the pubs though ðŸ‘
  17. I always fit my own tractor tyres, i have a tyre machine in my workshop and worked in tyre shop. The small ones are easy to do with levers and don't take long and as the usage is mainly on grass at the most at 7 or 8 mph they don't need balancing. As I'm really old , good used ones will see me out 😀😀😀
  18. Ive just about exhausted my stock of them now Alan, i'll have to watch what I buy in future
  19. Quite often working on this old stuff I find a need to warm things up to free them off or dismantle. during my travels this week I found this blowlamp and thought it would be handy, ive stood a Guinness bottle next to it to compare the size
  20. Four tyres and tubes fitted now and ive unloaded it from the van, i'm at Ardingly this weekend so will do photos Monday
  21. All loaded up with 4 Wheelhorse's ready for an early start
  22. First thing is to fit some replacement tyres then i can move it about much easier
  23. Some interesting stuff there, i like the International's
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