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the showman

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Everything posted by the showman
  1. Lot of nice stuff there, i like the area for the trial bikes, Thanks for the photos
  2. They look good mate, should light up the campsite a treat, cable looks heavy duty too
  3. Tried a hacksaw Norm, by arm was going like a fiddlers elbow and it only scratched the surface
  4. Ive also had this weight for a few years and its been on the floor since i got it, as time has passed since i bought it I can't pick it up now so need to cut it in half so it's useable 😳
  5. Thanks Sten, ive been looking for a while, which one did you get ? I wanted one with manual controls and a stainless baskit but didn't know what size to get for the average garden tractor carb also did you use the carb cleaning fluid available from the bay ?
  6. At least i can still see my six pack 😀
  7. Got any more details Nigel, make, size, does it work well ? I was looking at the photo above, looked on the bay but most of them seem to be made in China
  8. Sounds like a plan, if i had long rods I could add weight for a light driver like me and remove them for a heavy driver
  9. Thinking of taking up ploughing mate
  10. This topic seems to have gone stale, i was interested in buying one for carburettors and was watching for someone to comment thats got one, size and reliability
  11. Be handy to have a lift on it, it's already got the narrow wheels and I've got 2 ploughs
  12. The smaller ones fit in the wider rears and I think the large ones will fit the narrow rims
  13. While i was waiting for the rain to stop this morning I thought i would go up and clear some more stuff from my daughters and found some weights. They range from 5 lbs to 22 lbs, thought they would be handy for my ploughing tractor and they were free
  14. Nice collection Paul, a copy of the three point would be handy
  15. Nice set of rubber mate, two of them are back to front 😀
  16. Good report and photos Norm, did you get any tips on ploughing with a Wheelhorse?
  17. Good turnout and photos Paul, nice to go to a different show and see fresh exhibits
  18. Your making good progress with this, it's coming together really quick
  19. At least your up and running again, I'm sure it's more important to get your building work done before the cold weather comes then you're have a nice workshop to play with bendy in
  20. Looking good Mark, where's the kitchen and office going to be ?
  21. I'm sure there's a lot more stuff at Johns, we just havnt found it yet !
  22. Hi Harry welcome to the forum, always nice to see another Wheelhorse and look forward for further updates
  23. The W4 looks a nice bit of kit mate, is it going to be a working tractor or for showing
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