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the showman

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Everything posted by the showman
  1. Unless we find some more stuff in the undergrowth with the Trachorse 😀😜😀
  2. That's cute, gonna be a big dog with the size of her feet
  3. Looks interesting, is it four wheel drive ?
  4. What else are you looking for, apart from the forks Chris
  5. No worries Chris, just lucky to stumble across it
  6. Thanks George, I was hoping you would chip in. It was a lot of fun for a first attempt and I learnt a lot over the weekend, need to make a few changes to the tractor and try again
  7. Yes they are Norm, back plates with brake shoes and drums
  8. I'm sure John has a secret hidy hole and when we aren't looking he sneaks little jewels into the shed for us to find to keep us on our toes and see the expression on our faces. I was amazed to find the unihorse cover in the most unlikely place, just goes to show we have to keep looking
  9. Had another exciting day with John and Alan, found a few small bits in an old caravan also a 56lb weight for the front of my ploughing tractor but the biggest surprize was 4 new tri-rib tyres in the barn that ide been in dozens of time's and missed them and they were right in front of me
  10. Maybe its because the plough was going in deep, I should have tried it higher but didn't think at the time, towards the end of Saturday and Sunday it was working so well and I was enjoying it I just kept going. Ive still a lot to learn but having fun
  11. I tried letting it down and it stopped digging in, so I spent some time moving it around with no luck. as soon as I lifted it to were it is . it worked much better. this was done on Saturday when the plough wasn't polished as you can see by the first lot of photos the disc was going in the ground much better as it was taking the paint off and began to polish it . when I looked at the furrow the disc had made a nice cut. I may try letting it down again now its cleaned up
  12. there's a few numbers on the tractor so I;m not sure I have the right one for the model. the engine numbers are model mv16qs, serial 1933116246 and spec 56516
  13. Here's a couple of photos I missed off my camera
  14. Looking for some help with a YT 16, there's a lot of numbers and I wandered which is the model and serial numbers
  15. That's brilliant Ian, made us laugh , well done mate
  16. Looks like fun , did you run out of ink on the last photo?
  17. Yes it is Neil, im going to turn one of the 800's into a working tractor and do a few mods to it, don't really want to change the Raider
  18. Nice photos Neil, is that your Morris Pickup ?
  19. I'll be on the look out for old disguarded exercise machines now
  20. Blimey Paul, you're need some more racking and a bigger storage unit soon
  21. Nigel left early and missed the vintage tractor road run, it was over 2 hours through the fields and country lanes, 16 tractors many with trailers full of people all the different sounds of old machinery was very good. When we got back to the show the club organised a big BBQ which was very nice, lots of good food and good company
  22. Here's a couple of photos of the hitch and the shiny plough after 2 days of hard ploughing
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