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the showman

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Everything posted by the showman
  1. Norm's given me a box of tyres for you Charlie so you can get more practice with them
  2. Another day at the show, lets hope the wind has dropped, more photos later
  3. Did you get the name of that 4 wheel thingy I think it was german
  4. I was loading photos too, I like the Commer Karrier , was it a dustcart with slide up doors ?
  5. Sounds good on the first run mate, you must be pleased with that
  6. Heres a few more Marks Bendy has the off side front wheel on a tree stump, to demonstrate the bendy bits
  7. I'm loving the fergy roller, given us lots of ideas, Heres a couple more
  8. Iam here for another two days Charlie, bring em down
  9. There's still time to book into Rural Past Times

  10. I spose steering two tractors you didn't have a spare hand to do photos
  11. They will have to stay there for a bit as i have serious back pain after lumping all the stuff around
  12. Agri-Fab 40 inch tow along 20 tine scarifier de-thatcher, as new. Can be taken to Newby next weekend £45
  13. Carter carb wanted for 4HP Kohler engine (with the oil bath air filter) The thread on mine has gone where the fuel bowl fits on
  14. All back in the stable, just before the rain started
  15. I'm around till Friday if you want them done
  16. Should have bought them down here Charlie, i would have fitted them for ya
  17. Looking forward to seeing it in the flesh Mark
  18. A big step forward once you start painting bits, test drive next weekend, bugger I'm away at Newby hall
  19. Hav'nt got any white ones yet Chris, have got a yellow one somewhere
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