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Posts posted by pmackellow

  1. 11 hours ago, nigel said:

    Nice find Paul so if the mower was on it would it be running two engines ?


    Yes mate it would, the mower's not self propelled so its engine would drive the blades while the Loafer pushes it along :)


  2. 23 hours ago, S1g said:

    Wasn't there a very nicely restored one at tractor world a few years back?


    Yes there was Gareth, owned by the chap I bought this one from :)



  3. 4 minutes ago, harryt said:

    Looks cool, I did see one of these for sale around a year ago but was a little too much for me. Do you have the mower part as well for it?


    No Harry that's the next bit to find, I know what it looks like though... its the one at the top of the photo (from a 1962 spares manual)




  4. New addition to the collection from deepest Norfolk


    1965 Lawn Boy Loafer, can either be used as a ride on tractor or with the front axle removed will attach to a Lawn Boy mower,

    so it can be a mower pusher


    Apparently only 6 of these were imported to the UK.


    The previous owner has a restored one and works for E.P. Barrus who are modern day Lawn Boy importers and he has researched its history


    Apologies for the poor photos, but it has been raining all day, I'll get it out of the trailer and get some better photos when the

    weather improves :)







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