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Posts posted by pmackellow

  1. 46 minutes ago, Wallfish said:

    Na, they're still catching up unless one of them has about 50.

    BUT, they sure do find some stuff and it's slim pick'n over there compared to here. ( SO, maybe on that curve these guys are closer than I think).

    One thing for sure, it's guys like this which keep the hobby of collecting these little items alive and well.


    12 at the last count :)

    It's you guys that have inspired me to collect these little machines (as well as everything else I collect ! ), and for that I thank you. :thumbs:


  2. 3 minutes ago, Wallfish said:

    Nice job with that Paul. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

    How does the compressor mount to the base? Or does it just hold on by the shaft?

    A compressor is still on my bucket list


    Thanks, it won't look too bad once it's back together

    It seems to hold on by the shaft, theres no mounting holes on that side of the baseplate, but with the two bolts wound up nice and tight the unit does not seem to move

    I was lucky to find the compressor, an ebay search turned it up :)


  3. 1 hour ago, nigel said:

    Yes it has Neil  should look good standing next to your rj once I've painted that as well hopefully they should both be finished at the same time, it made it easier making the rj a joint project with Ian, and he's doing the vids 👍🏻


    Sorry Nigel had an anal moment and corrected should to read should... if you see what I mean ! :thumbs:

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