Alan 1,273 #1 Posted June 2, 2015 Sorry for not posting anything lately. As some will already know, and for those that don't, it was decided to dispose of friend Johns collection as various job lots. In view of his health, which appears to be going downhill rapidly and his desire to sell up and move to a much smaller property as quickly as possible, we thought this was the best and quickest way to go. A lot of the collection has gone already, with more spoken for. Many thanks to the various buyers. Some may be disappointed at not seeing what was for sale, but after dragging out from the various hiding places, it was found that most of the Bolens and Wheelhorses were in VERY poor condition. Although they were covered up years ago, time and the weather, plus brambles and other vegetation had come off best. There is still a lot of stuff to go yet, some of which may find it's way on here, if appropriate. Still sorting and clearing out. Can't believe how much John has collected over the years. Not just tractors and related garden machinery, but his Morris Marina cars. He has a few in almost as new, low mileage condition. Not everyone's favourite car, but John LOVED them. Again, sorry that some members may be disappointed, but acting in Johns best interest. Regards, Alan. 4 Stormin, slf-uk, pmackellow and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slf-uk 914 #2 Posted June 2, 2015 In my opinion, John is very lucky to have Alan as a friend. The amount of time and effort Alan has put into this is incredible. I was very pleased to have the opportunity to meet both Alan and John over the weekend and I enjoyed talking to both of them. Seeing John's health over the weekend, I believe that Alan had no other option than to progress more rapidly. I am sure it will not come as a surprise to many people that I bought most of the Bolens tractors and equipment as a job lot. The surprise might be just how many tractors you can get into a Mercedes Sprinter, aka the Great White Whale. We had to use a white Sprinter as the red ones are only for Wheelhorse's Alan mentioned that Chris (The Showman) manages to get three in easily and four with a struggle into his Sprinter. We started with getting five tractors in a load and then with Tom's support we managed to get six squeezed in. Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to take any pictures but it made an interesting load. I think others may have taken some pictures. I will post some pictures of the tractors over time and once I have recovered. I am far too old for being stuck in a van for 18 hours and 1100 miles over three days. It was a great adventure and I am very grateful for Alan's support, also help from Chris and Tom. Iain 4 Alan, nigel, Triumph66 and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigel 1,880 #3 Posted June 2, 2015 ime glad they have gone to a good home 3 Triumph66, slf-uk and Alan reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triumph66 1,256 #4 Posted June 2, 2015 thanks for the update Alan and I am chuffed that the Bolens will live for another day thanks to Chris and Iain's dedication to the Bolens Cause! They have gone to very good homes.The Morris Marina is a car that bring back memories....... 1 Alan reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris 642 #5 Posted June 2, 2015 I am chuffed to bits with the tractor & attachments I brought Pictures to follow soon (none of that overloaded sprinter!) I just glad to have helped out & will do so very soon again Chris 2 Alan and Triumph66 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom 215 #6 Posted June 2, 2015 I can only echo what has already been said. Alan and John are such great guys and I could spend hours talking to them, so many great stories! Like Iain said, John is very lucky to have Alan as he is doing his best to help him out and helping John speed up the process of the move. I travelled down twice with Iain and like he said we managed to get 6 tractors in one day amongst a few other things, it was a struggle but we did it. It was great fun! It has been a pleasure meeting you guys and I look forward to meeting you again soon.Tom 2 Triumph66 and Alan reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alan 1,273 #7 Posted June 2, 2015 I will post some photo's of the loads tomorrow. Too weary now after answering lots of messages today and arranging visits. Don't think Mr Showman was really trying when he said he could only get four tractors into his sprinter. Some people give up too easily. How about five Bolens on each of two loads, and five Horses and one Bolen on the third load, plus LOTS of bits and pieces with each. Still can't understand why Tom didn't take a Colchester lathe back with him. I could still see a gap above the hoods of the front two tractors. Alan. 1 Triumph66 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slf-uk 914 #8 Posted June 3, 2015 , and five Horses and one Bolen on the third load I was very concerned about the third load, not about getting six into the White Whale but locking a Bolens in a confined space with five Wheelhorse's for three hours. I was expecting them not to get on and worried that someone would be loosing a headlight in the fight. However everything was quiet all the way home and they seemed to get on fine Iain 3 Triumph66, nigel and Alan reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triumph66 1,256 #9 Posted June 3, 2015 I was very concerned about the third load, not about getting six into the White Whale but locking a Bolens in a confined space with five Wheelhorse's for three hours. I was expecting them not to get on and worried that someone would be loosing a headlight in the fight. However everything was quiet all the way home and they seemed to get on fine Iain I would guess that your RAM would head butt any of those Horses if they misbehaved Iain! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alan 1,273 #10 Posted June 3, 2015 A few photo's of Iain and Tom's "CRAM - it - IN" Countrywide Removal Service. Any distance, any time. First load. 5 Bolens. Second load. 5 more Bolens, with Iain's ( over the wheel arch's ) platform. Rear wheels removed from 1477 after loading to reduce width. Third load. 1 Bolen and 5 Horses. Lots of bits and pieces also crammed in with each load. 4 Triumph66, nigel, Will-Haggle and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triumph66 1,256 #11 Posted June 3, 2015 Great photos Alan. I can now see why it took so long to load up. 2 slf-uk and Alan reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stormin 4,458 #12 Posted June 3, 2015 Some of those don't look half bad. 3 HeadExam, slf-uk and Alan reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeadExam 1,783 #13 Posted June 4, 2015 Some of those don't look half bad. No kidding, I can see lots of potential in almost everyone. No beauty queens, but plenty of potential. I don't buy restored tractors, because there is no Honeymoon, no time with the tractor to love it and turn it into something. 3 Triumph66, Alan and slf-uk reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slf-uk 914 #14 Posted June 4, 2015 Some of those don't look half bad. Absolutely, that's because they are Bolens Two, maybe three have lots of potential. They are the two funky coloured ones (blue and yellow) and a white one with no hood. The others have potential but will need a fully and complete restoration and a couple are parts only. All have something seized. As I start to get them organised I will post some post some detailed pictures. The Bolens we brought back with all the Wheelhorse's, I put into my workshop as it was getting too late on Sunday to think of somewhere else to put it. My workshop now has a very unpleasant smell, not sure if that has anything to do with the rats nest we found under the tractor or if one of those Wheelhorse's peed on it in fright, thinking it was going to get a Glasgow handshake during the journey. The cast front on that tractor could do a lot of harm You have to admit that in the one before last picture that Bolens looks fantastic compared to all that red stuff Thanks for posting the pictures Alan. You did a great job of the pictures and masked the horrible weather we had on Friday and the rain on Sunday. Iain 4 Alan, HeadExam, Triumph66 and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigel 1,880 #15 Posted June 4, 2015 it wasnt the wheelhorse that peed, it was ian i saw him do it 4 Triumph66, Alan, slf-uk and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triumph66 1,256 #16 Posted June 4, 2015 Iain, I do like that green RAM; that look really solid. It look like you got the mid.and late production RAMs from that haul. Nice one ! Be interested I seeing more photos of that 1254 to compare mine. The wheel Horses look to be tidy too. An all round good haul for all I think. 1 HeadExam reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alan 1,273 #17 Posted June 4, 2015 A lot of reflections on photo's 1 and 2. The sun was trying to get in the van too. Didn't get very good shots of the middle two tractors. Would have been better if I had been in the van, but too dangerous with Bolens and Horses coming up the ramps at high speed. Might have been trapped and taken on a trip to Norfolk along with the pong of horse pee and poo. 1 Triumph66 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom 215 #18 Posted June 5, 2015 Great pictures Alan, I think me and Iain both were too excited at the time to even consider taking any pictures. I have to admit it at least I had one of the nicer, more unique bolens ride with the horses, a very cool machine which I look forward to see Iain getting up and running. I had an amazing weekend, a really great adventure that I will never, ever forget. Tom 4 HeadExam, Triumph66, slf-uk and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slf-uk 914 #19 Posted June 5, 2015 I completely agree with Tom, is was an incredible weekend. It wasn't until Sunday night that I realised that I had not eaten since Thursday night I completely forgot with the excitement and fun of the weekend. Iain 3 Triumph66, Alan and HeadExam reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeadExam 1,783 #20 Posted June 6, 2015 Really great times, I've made many of those trips, some over 600 miles, the excitement is almost overwhelming! 2 slf-uk and Triumph66 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slf-uk 914 #21 Posted June 6, 2015 A mate brought around a truck load of goodies for me on Friday, which includes some good wood, steel, and some metal cupboards and shelving. I am in so much trouble with the boss and I had to listen to my list of my crimes this morning. This included not cutting the grass last weekend, putting the Bolens stash in the garden and now filling the drive with what has been described as rubbish (or words to that effect). Apparently if I was single everywhere would be littered with this sort of stuff. She does make being single sounds very attractive I foreseen a weekend of grass cutting and moving things about. I am going to try to compress that into today so I can start to check out the stash tomorrow. Iain 5 HeadExam, Triumph66, Alan and 2 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triumph66 1,256 #22 Posted June 6, 2015 It is always good to hear that I am not alone! My wife always say the same thing about my collection of old jalopies but at least my lawn is mowed weekly....... Looking forward to see your breakdown and photos on the Bolens stash tomorrow. Good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slf-uk 914 #23 Posted June 8, 2015 A couple of quick pictures of the tractors where they were parked up after the move to Norfolk. Slowly moving them elsewhere being towed by my 7 year old lad, the demon Gator driver Iain 5 Phyliss, nigel, Triumph66 and 2 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeadExam 1,783 #24 Posted June 8, 2015 Instant stable of Bolens from different eras and years, very good! 3 Alan, Triumph66 and nigel reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triumph66 1,256 #25 Posted June 8, 2015 Great atmospheric photos of your latest Bolens. Looking forward to seeing more of them. I bet your son got his eye on one of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites