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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2015 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Machines of mass cultivation

    Been working my MG40 & Howard Gem, which is the lastest purchase to the fleet over the past couple of weeks. Thanks to Iain in Norfolk, the gem now has a recoil starter on the front. It runs very well
  2. 2 points

    JCB Beaver Hydraulic Power Pack.

    As the weather was bad today I decided i'd layout my display board. Picked them up cheaply off ebay.
  3. 1 point

    Wills House

    It's what my house is called because of the notoriety of the second owner
  4. 1 point

    Wheel horse plough

    Hi all, With the recent sale of the Brinly plough for over £600 and having no luck finding one and after seeing Marks amazing adaptation of a Barford atom plough I set about adapting a spare Barford atom plough I had. I only have a slot hitch at the moment so I adapted it to suit a slot hitch but no welding or modification was made to the plough I just used the original bolt holes which means it can be reverted back to a plough for a Barford atom or even changed for a sleeve hitch. I cut a part out of some 8" box section we had to make the L-shaped bracket and then used a piece off of an old forklift carriage for the bar which will go in the slot hitch and be welded to the underside of the L-shaped bracket. It's currently only G-clamped. I will cut the bracket down so there is no risk of it hitting the fender and so the adjustment lever has enough space to move. Tom
  5. 1 point

    JCB Beaver Hydraulic Power Pack.

    Good job, Gareth.
  6. 1 point

    Bolens G14

    Over the weekend I gave the G14 a diesel bath followed by hitting it with the pressure washer. It is so much nicer to work on now but the state of the grass where I gave it a wash was the subject of much discussion with the boss. Progress on the G14 has been slowed by work commitments and I got distracted by buying and collecting another H16 . Picture from the advert Tonight I had a relaxing hour in the workshop on the G14 fitting the exhaust, engine panel work, throttle/choke cables and a few other jobs. Thanks to Norm's reminder I took the plug out of the exhaust pipe first I still need to fit the fuel tank and pipes, straighten and fit the hood, fit new battery cables, repair some more damaged wiring and refit the PTO and body panels. I have also bought some new front lights for it. Iain
  7. 1 point

    JCB Beaver Hydraulic Power Pack.

    Glad to see you found some display boards then Gareth, machine looking good as well
  8. 1 point

    JCB Beaver Hydraulic Power Pack.

    Heres the finished engine in the sun. Just needs a bit of spit and polish. As the weather was good I took advantage of it and repainted a few items. The first was an original spec oil cooler, boy did it take some finding as they were discontinued 15+ years ago and the latest beaver ones are different.i had to go through nearly all my contacts in the trade before I traced one. I also cleaned up and painted the oil cooler cover and the tank plate.
  9. 1 point


    thanks boys ive been and bought it i payed top end for it 500 but i did come away with 1 or 2 extra bits and bobs ie another wheel horse snow plough spare back wheels and tyres a plough and frame but i payed 500 for the lot it all needs alot of love but ill post pics tomorrow think i might need your help in parts for engine for the horse because its in 3 boxes but im happy with what i got for the money but wish i could say the mrs was i think im in the shed aswell tonight lol thanks again for your help
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Right...photos...I'm working on them..whilst absorbing every morsel of info that gets mentioned here. I'll now bear in mind the belts and type of grass I'll be cutting, hadn't considered the strain they have to cope with. Thankfully it's not too thick generally, although it's getting longer every day I delay while I try to sort the cutter... Trying not to feel too panicky, the allotment commitee might get a bit narky if I don't cut it soon.... There are currently three lines of enquiry. Purchasing a completely new 42" deck from Toro. Asking my local agri-welder to refurbish the one that came with the machine. Getting a new shell fabricated by a chap in Lincs who advertises on Ebay. I suppose the new deck from Toro will be made from the same thin steel and prone to rust and flexing. The local agri-welder is the only complete unknown at present and he may just laugh when he sees the state of the cobwebbed deck. And a new shell apparently would last longer than me. He uses thicker guage steel and gets good customer reviews for his thorough workmanship, but might just be too expensive. I'm guessing it'll be between two and three hundred....hmmm..half what I paid for the machine itself... I'm waiting for quotes from all three before deciding. So there we are, hope the suspense doesn't drive me mad.. Having bought the machine, I can't actually use it yet..Might have to get the little Mountfield out and do a 2 hour stint to keep the grass in check..cutting nearly half an acre in narrow strips is a daunting task though..rather hoping I wouldn't have to do that anymore. But I shall remain positive having got this far.The dawn of a new Golden Age in my orchard will be somewhat delayed it seems... Cheers, all...
  12. 1 point

    Bolens HT20 Loader/Digger Tractor

    Sum more pics of rusty
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