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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2016 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    C-125 work horse poorly.

    Head gasket arrived from Meetens yesterday. Today I got a piece of 6mm plate glass, free from a window installation firm in the nearby village. I then finished lapping the head. I then put everything back together, torqueing down the head bolts. I was going to put oil, fuel and refit the battery tomorrow. But things got the better of me, so I went out and did that after my dinner. That done, time to fire up. Only it didn't. No spark. What have I missed/done wrong methinks? Checked the wiring. All as it should be. I'd had the points out, cleaned and reset them but decided to have a look. Took the cover off, turned the key and off she went. Running like a good 'un. Put the cover back on. Just holding it and she stopped. Points shorting through the cover. So what had I done differently? Well, the points cover had had only the top screw fitted ever since I got it. When I'd had the points off, I fitted a screw into the bottom as well. Without that screw, the bottom of the cover stood slightly proud and was not shorting the points out. There's no screw in there now. Should there be a gasket, 'tween cover and engine? That sorted, I ran the engine for a while to warm up and reset the carb. Got a lovely sound at idle. Sweet as a knut. Spits a bit at full revs, but is drawing a bit of air where the exhaust fits to the manifold stub. Tomorrow I will re-torque the head bolts. The engine does smoke a little. but no worse than it did. Sometime in the future, I may give it a re-bore. But for now, I'm just happy it's up and running and can be put back to work. May even mow the green and really test it.
  2. 2 points
    the showman

    Woodstore / Shed makeover

    The last shed in the row gets a bit of a tidy up to match the rest
  3. 2 points

    wheel horse

    Don't listen to them
  4. 1 point

    Project C1-4x6

    More too come chaps
  5. 1 point

    wheel horse

    I use an Auto Culto plough with my C-121. So does the Showman.
  6. 1 point
    the showman

    Woodstore / Shed makeover

    No the door shrunk with all the rain, I'm going to put a bit on the bottom
  7. 1 point

    Project C1-4x6

    oh come on james get a move on ive been waiting for days now to see it complete outside
  8. 1 point

    wheel horse

    I have always found gumtree seems to be the best place for reasonably priced horses (my last one cost about the same as my weeks cigarettes, which you can read whichever way you want!) there always seems to much competition on fleaBay, though the Rotavators seem to be like rocking horse $***, and they are sought after and seem to fetch good money, if you see one, bag it! they come up so rarely. I was lucky when I got mine that it was listed wrong and no one else bid on it,
  9. 1 point

    wheel horse

    Well if you have too then paint it white
  10. 1 point

    wheel horse

    im going to stick with WH for now,
  11. 1 point

    wheel horse

    Don't listen to him. He's biased.
  12. 1 point

    what to go for

    had quite a pleasent afternoon mowing today, the clutch starter switch is playing up so i shorted the wires,then the engine started hunting, i think iv narrowed that down to the fuel cap breather being blocked apart from that the b111 has been great,....its going to be nice adding to the wheel horse collection
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