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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2016 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    Disc harrows

    Got some disc painting done this afternoon with top coat, painted the pins and the weights as well while I was at it
  2. 3 points
    Thanks Alan, I should be a lot further ahead than I am really, but life, looking and giggling have slowed me down It's called visualizing and working things out Well, early Monday morning my welding wire turned which was very nice of it.. Tacking tubes together with a Arc welder has not been fun.. As it happened Mig welding was not fun for long!! A word of warning chaps, always wear gloves when welding even more so if your welding something galvanized! Why?? Well a rather nasty evil big blob of molten weld decided to jump and land on my wedding ring where it most unkindly burnt a hole through it and at the same time super-heated the top half of the ring to a very "ouch" sort of temperature! Getting the ring off was interesting to say the least, it's always been a very tight fit but still turned, but once my finger started swelling!! With the help of Google, a good chap by the name of Matt, and a length of fine string we managed to get the ring off without having to cut it! This was quite bad timing as it was our 9th wedding anniversary yesterday! For those of you (Hi Nigel) who are saying I shouldn't wear the ring in the workshop, I've never taken it off as it doesn't/didn't really come off without a big fight! And now onto something tubular.. The quad frame.. A lot of new tube work has gone in to add strength and also give it a bit of style.. While my Mig welder did an "ok" job of welding the frame up, it did seam to be lacking oomph and not powerful enough to do a good job. So Nigel the good chap he is suggested we drag he's welder through and give it a whirl... Strong welds?? Ooooo yeah baby This was one of those corners with a lot of steel bar showing.. It now be filled with weld So thanks for the use of your welder mate, I now feel a lot happier about riding the quad A blurred view of the other side.. The rear or the frame is getting a re-shape to to keep the curved theme of the frame going, here's the first part of it.. 3 tubes all with slight bends to get them fitting under the seat lip. When the seat if clamped down only the bottom half of the tube will be showing. I just love this view from the back, the tank makes it look so meaty and MadMaxy
  3. 3 points

    A good day at Johns

    Another good chin wagging and pottering around day. I finally arrived home about 11.15 pm after going to collect wifey who was baby sitting baby grand daughter and WAIT ...... ING for baby's mummy and daddy who arrived back home hours later than planned. Nice to see Paul again, OK, Chris too, but a shame that the Easimow had self destructed since we last saw it. Paul was on the Sears / Roper like a flash of lightning for a ride around but Chris had to visualize something RED before he had a test drive. Thanks again Paul and Chris for another good day.
  4. 2 points

    A good day at Johns

    As I was on holiday, I blagged a lift with Mr Showman to deepest Surrey today to have a look at what was left at Johns, and to meet up with him and Alan again for a chinwag and drinking tea (as you do). Chris and I made the re-finding and dragging out of its resting place of a British Anzani Easimow our first job, after hacking down the brambles to get to it we dragged it out, getting ripped to bits in the process !! Chris then fitted a couple of tyres for Alans latest project, and we had another look about at the Marinas and the other bits and bobs that are left, including some mowers... Lastly Alan fired up his Sears/Roper and we had a go round the garden on it, then drank some more tea... A good day, thanks to Chris, John and Alan, here's some photos...
  5. 2 points
    Finger looks nasty Ian but look on the bright side. The blob of weld might have landed on your wedding tackle instead of your wedding ring.
  6. 2 points

    A good day at Johns

    A few chassis repairs and the Easimow would be ready to go.. Of course now would be the time to stretch it a little to get a bigger engine in Great photo's guy's, John's workshop is looking a little empty now..
  7. 2 points

    Ardingly Smallholders Show

    More photos... I love that Transit pickup, Mr Showman loved the Fordson 7V tipper (the blue one) The rotavator with all the implements is a 5hp Norlett that we picked up on Saturday evening from just up the road from the showground... Also included are some photos from our Saturday evening BBQ.
  8. 1 point

    meet susie, the 604 :)

    well after a 5 hr drive, and some interesting moments loading and unloading from the back of a disco! this is now parked in my garden. at a first glance its a little daunting, but the engine turns over and the carb and tank is spotless. full set of wheel weights and the gearbox appears to work but the clutch and brake pedals are seized solid, the brake pads have rusted to the drum and the clutch linkage and steering rods are gone, thottle and choke cables have had it, the slot hitch is seized solid and lift rod has rusted though as has the battery tray! however it was love at first sight and she will be saved ! if anyones got a kohler 141 workshop manual they could email me i would be eternally grateful, and if anyones got any of the bits missing that were listed above and are willing to part company please let me know cheers
  9. 1 point

    Ardingly Smallholders Show

    A great weekend at the 2016 Ardingly Smallholders Show, 40 exhibits of all shape and size in the Horticultural display including Six International Cub Cadets and Cadets (Mr Showmans and our 100s, our 76, 81 and 128 and Phil Murrells 55) and some other nice machines as well including Kev Castle and Phil Murrells British Anzani display. There was also a line up of stationary engines, tractors, cars and commercials. Here's some photos...
  10. 1 point

    Congratulations Matt.

    Congratulations Matt on the birth of your baby boy.
  11. 1 point

    A good day at Johns

  12. 1 point

    Ardingly Smallholders Show

    Great line up of Cub Cadets and The Showman's trailer looks superb next to his two Wheel Horses. Great photos too.
  13. 1 point

    A good day at Johns

    Might be someone not too far away.
  14. 1 point
    the showman

    A good day at Johns

    Raider 10 ?.
  15. 1 point

    A good day at Johns

    Could see that you liked it Paul. The look on your face while riding around was a good clue. Now, who is looking for a Raider 10 ?
  16. 1 point

    Ardingly Smallholders Show

    that grey fergie is ex golf course
  17. 1 point

    A good day at Johns

    If you and Nigel got hold of it Ian it would have a big engine and be called Queasymow !!
  18. 1 point

    the jobber motorised garden fork

    Here's one of the Jobber fleet which will be joining Mr Castles collection in deepest Kent next weekend...
  19. 1 point

    meet susie, the 604 :)

    well, had a bit of a session this morning, free'ed up the steering drop arms with some help from a blow lamp and some wd40, greased them and they now move as free as a bird, steering column is still a bit tight, (some sort of bronze/brass bushing in there?) rear panel work is off, not one bolt would undo despite 2 days soaking in penetrating fluid and 3 in 1 oil, they have all sheared despite my best efforts, so will be drilling and re-tapping a lot during reassembly! the clutch mechanism is now working with the exception of the return spring and idler pulley, the bearing in this is stuck solid and the pulley "V" has rotted out in places. Had a brief look at the slot hitch and this is rusted solid, anyone got any tips on how get the pin out without damaging the gearbox or hitch?
  20. 1 point

    Ardingly Smallholders Show

    Great photo's Paul, thanks for posting them Love the "Lowrider" grey Fergie
  21. 1 point

    meet susie, the 604 :)

    I was going to suggest diesel. I mix coke with Jack Daniels.
  22. 1 point

    Ardingly Smallholders Show

    Great photos once again Paul I love the unusual cub line up, never seen so many together before
  23. 1 point
    He does Alan he spends more looking at it and giggling to him self than actually doing any work on it
  24. 1 point
    Looking good already Ian. You sure don't hang around.
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