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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2017 in Posts

  1. 6 points

    Wheel mod.

    Bit more done now. Wheels all cleaned up over the last couple of days. Had to do it the hard way, as damp air and the need for a bigger compressor, didn't allow the use of the blast cabinet. Electric drill and rotary wire brushes. Not a bad job if I do say mesel'. The valve holes had to be opened out to allow for the tube valve. The centres were then treated to some filler, (NOT the cement, Chris), either side of the bands to do away with any sharp edges. Smoothed off then taped. I was going to prime them, but rain stopped play.
  2. 6 points

    This RJ turned up at the workshop today

    Yesterday the little RJ started going back together, lift cable first followed by the engine. I put a couple of bit's of inner tube on the frame before dropping the engine on.. It makes it easy to line the bolt holes up and stops the frame getting scratched while moving the engine about. Cleaning out the grease nipples in a little petrol Pulleys and drive belts on. Front axle and steering on. The crowning moment..... The tank isn't fixed under the hood yet, but we just had to have a look Not much left to do, the paint for the wheels and the fuel tank sealant should arrive tomorrow, and I need to sort the carb out now the rebuild kit has arrived..
  3. 5 points

    New here

    I'm new here and these are my 2 engines. Cool forum, I found it through Redsquare.
  4. 1 point

    New here

    Welcome aboard MOm
  5. 1 point
    Cub Cadet

    New here

    Hello and welcome!
  6. 1 point

    New here

  7. 1 point

    Wheel mod.

    Looking good Norm. I am pleased you are doing this as this is something I need to do at some point and I can learn from the master . Do you know how the engineering company did the cuts? I was thinking of using a rotary table on my mill as I think they are too large for my lathe. Iain
  8. 1 point

    This RJ turned up at the workshop today

    Really moving on with the RJ rebuild now, the frame has been cleaned up, primered and the underside has been top coated hence why the frame is on it's side Is this strange two part valve arrangement a USA thing? We had never seen it before! It turns out that the strange two part valve is to make it easier to ballast the tyres. Thank you Evanloock on RS for the answer Top coat time, Meanwhile I find this old WH rear wheel with bolts welded through from the outside (not by me I should add)... Makes a perfect tool to hole the RJ's front wheel for a clean up. Note the crack in the paint... Well, the crack is actually in filler!! Someone did like the ol bondo in the past! And to bring this build thread up to date, lot's of freshly painted panels and parts
  9. 1 point

    Kohler Magnum 20hp

    Just testing the water guys When I restored my big white tractor, I fitted a newer 20hp Magnum twin to power it as the old engine was shot I have now got a correct replacement for it & will remove it & will be for sale. Not been run for a while Anybody interested for a project?? £200
  10. 1 point

    Howard website

    If it's any interest to anybody I've given my website a minor facelift. It now includes a dating guide for Howard Gems. www.howardgem.webs.com
  11. 1 point

    some old some new

    Hi everyone a couple of new pieces one Lister push hoe and unknown seed drill old Auto Culto L, £10 Allen Scythe( runner), grey Fergie ( owned since 1960 ) anyone give me maker of seed drill
  12. 1 point
    Cadet 81 getting a spruce up today (dodging the rain and sleet) for the Tractor World show in a fortnights time...
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