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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2018 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Hi all back today for some more items from the home of the Huttenwerk some very interesting items hope you like
  2. 2 points

    Undercover Wheel Horse "1467"

    My 1267 "Skonkfest" tractor has had a checkered past. I got it after my heart attack to help with snow removal at work. I t had had a stuck exhaust valve in the past. I found assorted other things like no carb base gasket, silly putty sealant on the breather ect. I repainted it last spring because I got tired of a pinkish tractor. It had run good since I had done some tinkering so I only replaced the head gasket and decarboned the head when I painted it. On it's way to it's first show it had fouled the plug. I cleaned it and didn't think twice. It ran through the Big Wheel horse show parade with no issues but this winter it started fouling the plug again. so bad I had to dig out the crud in the plug. It got to the point where it wouldn't run longer than 15 min with out fouling the plug even with an anti-fouler in it. I got a 14 HP K321 on the shelf of of an much newer tractor but I wanted to keep the original starter/genny set up. The donor motor: Ring gear needed to come off for the original shroud to fit: Shroud mocked up on 14 to see how it fits: Had to use the head off of the K301 for the correct bosses for the genny bracket. You can see all the oil on top of the piston and gunk around the exhaust valve. This was all cleaned up when I painted the tractor and is only a couple of hours of run time. I'm shocked that this really didn't smoke much: Look at the build up on the plug and antifouler after only a few min of run time: New engine painted up: Ready to drop in: Mounted on the tractor. This frees up the lift table to lift the tractor! Running with different stack. I stayed with the smaller one.
  3. 1 point

    Danarm Tornado

    I picked up this one today. It looks pretty rough but I'm hoping to have it operational again before too long.
  4. 1 point

    Wheel Weights.

    It originally had those steel spoked wheels, Andrew. Just a pea sized pebble would stop a wheel turning. I found the wheel spindles were the same size as series Land Rover front spindles. Having a complete set of hubs lying about and more wheels than enough, I thought it a good idea to fit them. I had to widen the saw bench axle to get clearance for the tyres. The SB axle is square bar with the ends turned down for the spindles. This was cut in half and tube a neat fit used to extend the axle. Welded in place of course. Draw bar from more stuff lying about and the jack came from a now defunct trailer at the farm.
  5. 1 point

    Wheel Weights.

    I like the mobile saw bench Norm. A useful bit of kit.
  6. 1 point
    Hi all, been a long time since I updated this, I wouldn't say I lost interest, more like I have been distracted by lots of other projects Anyway, I have made a small start on the grille, so far so good. I am working in small sections at a time so I can be as perfectionist as possible. Once the mould is done I will sand it down and use a thin skim of body filler over any rough patches, then paint. For originality I was thinking of painting it a creamy white colour, but part of me wants to do something a little custom like silver
  7. 1 point

    The Showmans new Toy

    He didn't manage to sell it you then, Andrew?
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