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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2018 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    Sisis discs from the Showman

    Went to visit Mr Showman in the deep South today as we were out and about on this lovely warm March Day We managed to rehome his set of Sisis discs for him, they will look good behind our smaller ride ons
  2. 3 points

    Not a Lot.

    We were hit with about 8-12 inches of snow yesterday which resulted in traffic carnage yesterday. It took me two hours longer than normal to get to work and it was then only possible because I doubled back and used the really difficult country lanes that nobody had been on. Overnight we had high winds and the snow drifted. Those that have visited Bolens towers will know we live on the top of the only hill in Norfolk. Driving down the hill this morning I was faced with a bigger than expected snow drift and I decided to hit the gas rather than stop. This is what a Disco looks like after it has hit a six foot wall of snow. In the picture you may be able to see the drift in the background on the left. The picture does not really show just how much snow was on the bonnet, took me ages to clear it. It's good how they designed it so the badge always shows From past experience I knew that a drift would be in that location but I was not expecting it to be that big. I told the kids to watch the impact from the bedroom window and they said that the snow went 30 foot in the air. It frightened the life out of me when I lost vision. I got a call from the SWMBO lunch time to tell me that our neighbour was not so successful and his Isuzu 4x4 pickup is stuck in the drift. I am still at work atm but the jouney home should be interesting as I will need to recover his truck before I can attack the drift again and get home. He sold his Land Rover last year and has been winding me up about how much better his Isuzu is. Looking forward to the banter as I attach the tow strap Iain
  3. 3 points
    I most certainly will be making a cover for the battery, it's in an ideal place to get covered in all sorts of mud and stuff.. While digging through the Quadzilla wiring loom for connectors to pilage I found something that would most certainly be a good upgrade.. So this small bracket was made.. It was welded onto the frame just under the seat. If you hadn't guessed it holds up a modern fuse block, much better than the oold Honda one With the 4 wheel drive bit wired in, the time had come to think about lights starting with the er.. headlamp.. Not having the correct bulb holder (which would of been for a really old style bulb anyway) I had this problem to overcome! I had an idea on how to solve the er..gap problem but not the materials until Nigel found me this old pully.. Thank mate No photo's of all the lathe stages (plenty of that in the next video) but the pulley ending up looking like this.. The shallow slots were done with a milling bit in my pillar drill. Not ideal as the bed does try to move sideways! The bulb pokes through like this. Then the whole thing drops into the back of the lamp bowl. The little black slot through the bowl is a handy bolt hole, as is the one the other side Now something to hold the bulb to the holder. Starting with this.. Thanks again Nigel It was turned into this.. Which of course fits here.. I found some nice small bolts to use but I didn't have a tap to cut a thread..... So I made one Best test it.. Yep it works... Lots of drilling, thread cutting and countersinking and bolt shortening later.. Tad-Daaa A lot of work for something that won't be seen
  4. 2 points

    Not a Lot.

    We seem to be getting off lightly in our part of Aberdeenshire although wind is creating some nice drifts. Cleared way round to workshop with snow blade on back of Mitsubishi. While I was freezing my nuts off my 12 year old Staffie/Jack Russell cross was sitting in his armchair heating himself at the pot bellied wood burner. It's a dog's life! !
  5. 1 point
    Are you going to make a cover for the battery, Ian? I think it could do with one.
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