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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Not exactly what I thought I would be working on next but I picked this up yesterday from a guy out in the desert. It has such a great sweaty patina and I’m going to try to preserve it as much as possible. I plan to go through it and hopefully get all the internals fixed up and in good working condition but only do minimal cleaning to the rest of the unit. Something about this one just has a great look to me the way the age and color have changed over time. I started dismantling in and ran into my first problem. I can’t seem to free the generator rotor shaft from the crankshaft. I’ve tried the usual things like smacking the mounting bolt, etc. but nothing is working. Does anyone else have any ideas? At first I thought I was going to get lucky with the wiring because it looked intact but after closer inspection several wires are cracked entirely in half and I can see the expected corrosion. So I’ll have to re-do that too. I’m going to have to find another bearing as well
  2. 1 point

    Happy BD Nigel.

    All the Best, Nigel. Have a good day.
  3. 1 point
    the showman

    Happy BD Nigel.

    Happy Birthday Nigel, hope you’ve had a good day.
  4. 1 point

    Happy BD Nigel.

    Many Happy Returns Nigel, 🍺🥃🍺🥃 Stay Safe😷😷
  5. 1 point

    Happy BD Nigel.

    Happy Birthday Nigel
  6. 1 point

    Happy BD Nigel.

    Happy birthday mate have a good one
  7. 1 point

    Ohlsson & Rice: Water Pump Type 217

    I'm sure I've posted this somewhere on the forum before, here is the parts list for the Orline Utility Pump with O&R Type 217 engine; David
  8. 1 point

    Ohlsson & Rice: Water Pump Type 217

    Welcome Mike, there are several different O&R pumps that all seem to use the pump & impeller, I have three different ones here & only one where the impeller is intact, I should really get some measurements from it. This is the impeller remains from my Petro Chug-A-Pump with some measurements (pictures taken years ago). David
  9. 1 point

    Engine mounts.

    Fitted a set of solid engine mounts to the C-125 this afternoon a chap made for me.
  10. 1 point

    A horse and a Billy goat.

    Bit more done this afternoon. Trailer towing attachment done. Just needs tow ball fitted. Frame work for the drawbar. Lucky I found the U clamps. The bar had to go there to clear the casting. Couldn't bolt it on as no room to get a nut on underneath. Only just managed to get the U clamp nuts on. Might not look much, but much putting on and taking off done. I need it off the bench now and behind a tractor. Then I can work out draw bar position, height etc. I'll have to wait till one of the grandsons visit to give me a hand.
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