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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Anglo Traction

    Downsizing in Metalwork

    Hello again all, Long time, no post !. I've been busy during this absence, honest !. Lots of preparation for painting the T Engine, only managed to get to the etch primed stage on most parts. Temp, weather and humidity has halted progress. I have been working on the Water Cart for some time. Glad to have finished the 130 holes for the 1/32" (0.80mm) rivets. Broke 2 drill bits and had to get the pieces out by dissolving them over a few weeks. Have reproduced the raised 'cast in' lettering on each of the tank ends by individually soldering them in place after fitting and sealing the tank end plates in position. The letters are 3mm and 2mm in height and had to make the Ampersand out of bits- Just finished making and trial fitting the wooden board work, tank lid and have revised the pump outlet nozzle . The latch bolts are under way, with just the handle to make before fitting. So just waiting for a 'weather window' to get the 2 part etch primer on- Regards
  2. 2 points
    Howard 350 cone clutch brake0001.pdf I did hope that a Howard expert would come to your rescue. I’ve never owned a 300/350 but have worked on a few. A while back there was a clutch thread on another forum https://www.vhgmc.co.uk/forums/topic/howard-300-rotovator/ But I’m not sure that there is anything useful there for you. I will scan and post an image of the cone clutch set up with a brake. Having worked on a few over the years and being kind I would call the brake a bit of a lash up . Unless someone tells me that I’ve been doing it all incorrectly it seems a very fine line between disengaging the clutch and the application of the brake on the driven ( female) cone - needing frequent adjustment. It is also important that the thrust bearing is in good condition and not partially seized. Image to follow. https://myoldmachine.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=40650
  3. 1 point
    The Acquisition Not the usual agricultural machinery but it is mine, it's old and a machine of sorts. First of all a bit of history as to how I became the custodian of a 1937 Triumph Gloria Vitesse 4 seat Tourer. In 1963 my father was offered £5 for an old 10.8HP Coventry Climax engine that he had removed from a 1935 Gloria Saloon he used in the late 1950's if he put it in running condition but when he found out it was required for a Gloria tourer he refused to sell the engine and offered £5 for the car. A couple of months later he became the owner of SU3305 and soon found out why it needed another engine:- The above was sticking out of the engine block and had smashed the camshaft, engine mount, sump and front casing. As he was foreman of the machine shop in the local Albion agency in Aberdeen the spare engine was rebored, fitted with new Rover 10HP pistons, the crankshaft reground and the bearings re-metalled and line bored to suit. The engine was installed, bushes and pins were made for the front suspension, door trim was replaced with leather from a cut down Austin Seven rear seat and sponge backed domestic carpet used to replace carpeting that was falling apart. The mechanic at the local garage who owned a Singer 9 Le Mans tourer gave it a 'sympathetic' MOT and we enjoyed short runs on warm summer days around the Aberdeenshire B roads. Over the next twenty years every so often if money allowed - he did have three teenage kids to feed and clothe - it was insured, MOT'd and licenced for 4 months in the summer and once I reached 25 my name was added to the insurance and I was allowed to drive it. We attended local galas and some local car shows over the years until a problem with the brake master cylinder that we were unable to repair in 1988 put it off the road and it ended up at the back of the workshop collecting dust. I had been bitten by the kit car bug by this time A Burlington Chieftan A Westfield SE The Gloria was started and taken out to be dusted down now and then until 2005. To be continued.
  4. 1 point

    Outboard motor

    Hi guys, I have an Aquabug in pretty much mint condition. Had it running last week for the first time in who knows how long. It is made by Perry with the Ohlsson Rice engine and doesn't look to have ever been used. Any idea the value? I also have a couple of Tiny Tiger generators and a Hedge Trimmer all with O&R engines that I'm thinking of selling. Cheers
  5. 1 point

    Downsizing in Metalwork

    wow - that is amazing work Richard!
  6. 1 point

    what is in the box 1

    Definitely a bargain at 99p plus postage I was surprised nobody bid on it
  7. 1 point
    the showman

    Downsizing in Metalwork

    And the same from me,
  8. 1 point

    Downsizing in Metalwork

    And ditto from me.
  9. 1 point

    Downsizing in Metalwork

    I wish I had your patience, Richard. Superb work!
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