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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2018 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    the showman

    Flat pack Wheelhorse

    Had a victim visitor to the shed today who popped in for coffee and collect a few parts. After the coffee and a chat we loaded his car with more than I expected to get in it and I was happy to empty his pocket. I think Ian was pleased with all the bits and left with his car much lower at the backend Here's some photos
  2. 3 points
    the showman

    De' Ja' Vu

    Still waiting for the oil seals to turn up so only a small update, just a few more bits primered.
  3. 2 points
    Anglo Traction

    Input on News Needed

    Hi Alain, I commiserate with your situation on the standard of News you are offered there. UK is/maybe slightly better off with services that are quite disciplined with the balance, content and variety in general. I watch a lot of the BBC News 24 and Current Affairs progs which link to subjects in Asia (via Singapore Newsroom) and the US at certain day/night times. It may be worth trying to pick the Channel up over there if poss, as there are many interviews done with US Political figures on the same/similar news subjects and issues. It may allow you a different view of info/coverage on subjects within your own Country?. I'm not saying Brit TV News is the best or perfect, but has the ability to be right up there with self criticism of non balanced views, accepts publicised criticism and goes to considerable lengths to be unbiased (usually). You/we will never get a service that does not over inflate, exaggerate, dramatise, moralise, control what we see/hear or go back to older stories to establish outcomes (except for some wars/confticts). However, if there is choice, we may feel better about it and be better able to judge what is real, fake or worth knowing about. Regards
  4. 1 point

    HVC Vintage Rally.

    Hethersgill Vintage Rally. 2018. May 6th. Heathersgill Vintage Club Ltd for details. Rally and Craft Fair.
  5. 1 point

    Flat pack Wheelhorse

    6 Bolens in a Mercedes Sprinter I believe.... A SWB too by all accounts....
  6. 1 point

    Flat pack Wheelhorse

    The other Iain, the Bolens one, would have been disappointed with a little load like that.
  7. 1 point

    Flat pack Wheelhorse

    I think I've had more in the back of my car from Ian's
  8. 1 point

    Input on News Needed

    Alain ,ime a administrator on face book group trumps deplorables United, I post a lot of stuff on there that is reported in the uk and europe
  9. 1 point
    the showman

    Flat pack Wheelhorse

    He had to borrow a score off his mate.
  10. 1 point

    Flat pack Wheelhorse

    I know what it is like to be relieved of my hard earn cash from Chris on my last visit......
  11. 1 point

    Input on News Needed

    Alain, I agree with you about Trump and what I think is mass hysteria by galvanised by certain people. At the end of the day, Trump was democratically elected by the American people and that need to be respected whatever our views are on him and his policies. In my opinion, I do not think Trump will entertain the thought of doing a second term as President and I think the Republican Party will be looking to nominate another leader instead of Trump. The Democrats should be concentrating on finding a suitable leader to challenge Trump politically and to understand why so called safe seats were lost to Trump in the Presential Elections. Clearly some of the issues raised by Trump in his campaign have strucked a chord with some Americans and that should be respected whether it is right or not.
  12. 1 point

    Darkest hour

    Back row and miss most of the film?
  13. 1 point

    Darkest hour

    I have not been to a theatre in over 20 years and this movie is one I would like to see at a real theatre. I believe that because of the subject matter the audience might not be filled with addle brained, immature, and rude people on cellular phones therefore allowing me to actually enjoy the picture with minimal distraction.
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