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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. That's actually really eerie
  2. gotta agree with that - nice gaff by the way...
  3. Great article Neil only yesterday was I talking about William Armstrong and hydraulic accumulators he was the inventor of the original lift mechanism. His name came around as we have visited his house in Northumbria.
  4. A GT14 fits somewhere between a C and a D series. 15 rear wheels, sundstrand hydro, optional 3 pt lift and 14hp Kohler. They are awesome machines, will post some of my pics one day....
  5. We can wait, your builds are always worth it.
  6. I always use to park somewhere sensible when doing chores in the garden. Now it seems to be a challenge to park silly
  7. I don't know about welding, it's the amount of angle grinder time cutting that 3/8 RSJ that costs!!!
  8. I don't know about sad, it looks like you had a lot of fun!
  9. meadowfield

    Diesel Trio

    Nice herd of thumpers there
  10. Thanks Slow progress this week, but I did get a delivery transmission parts, plus some big chevrons as I've said before I like big wheels.... More to come
  11. Good progress Ian, glad you are back on it
  12. I remember it, I saw it just as Martin had built the new hood stand. Looking good now, once the weather picks up I'm sure you'll be on the case... We want to see it at the wheel horse round up!
  13. Surrounded by a few dodgy characters Hurry up and come back MR showman!
  14. meadowfield

    Bolens 1886

    Nice find, look forward to seeing this progress
  15. Good to have you on board Jon! Look forward to the C-100 pics...
  16. This has been on the drawing board for a while now. Started life as a sorry specimen from Surrey a few years ago. Cue a few crates and a bit of balancing Some RSJ Lots of cutting Welding and drilling And a pivot was formed A bit more welding A drawing Some more welding and cutting And the rear subframe was finished
  17. Here's project C4 towing project bendy down to the workshop.
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