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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. I'm with NFU, 5 WH and a quad, no issues. btw, agree with a grand.
  2. That's neat, I'm guessing it's pretty small.... Any idea of scale or something to compare against?
  3. Hey Ian, welcome to MoM - looks like a great find!!!! I'm sure you'll get all the points you need on here... mark
  4. neat! I think the blade is big enough
  5. All the best Andy.... Not that you will read this
  6. Arrived at work this morning and was greeted by one of our software managers asking for some advice... I goes up to our server room and it stinks of rotten eggs, my first thought was batteries. So I ran to my PC to check my suspicions. Goes back upstairs and evacuates the whole floor. We go through the motions of health and safety before calling the fire brigade.... 4 units turn up, two ambulances and the dibble! Resulting in this And this Turns out that a power supply failed causing our backup batteries to cook, that means they released hydrogen sulphide gas. Which is really explosive and extremely toxic. So a few of us that spent time in the room were already suffering from sore eyes and bad throats. Inevitably the ambulances were called for a few of us! Good news is we are all ok
  7. good find, hurry up with the pics!
  8. meadowfield


    This is a ztr 424, really cool clutch arrangement. Variable speed and instant reverse Someone else bought them in between husqvarna if I recall, I think it was Oregon. In around 96 I phoned them directly in the US and a really nice lady sent me the full parts manual and diagrams. It did serve me really well until the fire
  9. the bottom one is a beast! reminding me of pitkin, and the early bird.....
  10. Welcome to MoM! sounds like either the woodruff key on the input is sheared/missing. Or the high low selector could be broken. Does the tractor push freely or can you feel the gears turning?
  11. meadowfield


    Here's my Dixon, owned it for 18 years. Imported into France from the US in the late 70's. Great bit of kit, never cut the same bit of grass twice
  12. Agree the variable speed control on my inverter is the mutts! DRO would be fab too!
  13. Was just looking up mg5s the diesels were later than 1948.... Sounds like a great project!
  14. oh and you said you would have to open a bigger gate.... So bigger than a WH??
  15. So far we've gained 4 wheels British 1948 Slow Noisy Single cylinder Diesel unless I'm mistaken... or JP has told fibs
  16. next project then? you are as bad as DJ for buying more stuff
  17. Been out most of the weekend, but managed to finish the handbrake. Pretty pleased with yet another reuse of a wheel horse part and it works perfectly Here it is off and on
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