That only stands for the earlier trans. I've two 4 speeds with the brake drum in the same place as the 8 speed...
8 speed over 6 speed was a marketing ploy in around 1975 when the first C series came out.
Get the new '8 speed' wheel horse was the claim
if I buy from UK, full gasket set, seals, STB piston and rings
if I buy from the US for a tiny bit more I get piston rod and valves...
So once I get my first Bendy 4WD demo video in the bag looks like the engine is being split!
Looking just shy of 100 notes for a rebuild kit, need to check the bore. If it's a rebore job I'll gamble on another engine first I think...
Hopefully a new piston and rings will make a difference.
Thanks for the offer...
plan A is to use an original Wheel Horse seat - as I'm keen for it to look like a genuine model. If I can't get a seat or make it work, then I might just be dropping your way Tom.