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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. like I said great deal... they are fairly rare nigel as the axle james has is a hydro and needs a frame to bolt to. We can all post a pic of a wreck and a stunner next to it and say here's what it could be!
  2. Seems someone is using my pictures and videos to sell an AWS mower that can be converted! The cheek of some folks - but made me smile.... http://greenville.craigslist.org/grd/4813036723.html
  3. Hey Doug, that's pretty neat... still looking for a set of WHdiscs
  4. It's on Ewan's tractor, not sure if it will be for show or he will use it... It will certainly get tested somewhere
  5. Well spotted, when we take it off for painting it needs a bit grinding off the side when the lift is up as it makes third gear hard to select But an easy fix....
  6. Here you go boys! http://myoldmachine.com/topic/1532-wheel-horse-clevis-hitch-lift-assembly/ It's strong enough to lift my 17 year old son... He stood on the clevis whilst I pulled the handle
  7. To follow up my plough conversion, here's the lift assembly needed. Firstly the beefy bar to run from the deck lift arm. Then two bushes for the rocker shaft Then a piece of 18mm bar for the shaft with the ends threaded to retain it. It all fits nicely with the fuel tank in place. And the view from above with the link bar in place. And with the plough fitted.
  8. Well it does lift from the deck handle too, made a rocker shaft, bushes and lift arm. Might do a thread on that...
  9. Much tidier than mine... Still miss my 90
  10. Wow that's a beast, and I thought my plough was big!
  11. Yeah, where's the pics....
  12. Actually set it at the side of my mahoooosive 12" plough... Other than size the geometry is about the same So other than painting the clevis adapter, that's about it!
  13. No idea Tom, it was fastened to a 2 inch round tube, there's no adjustment so we will need to modify
  14. Tis indeed, has had the 10 ton press treatment to straighten it out Will see what we can do!
  15. Thanks! Not bad for scrap, a bit of pillar drill and cement mixer from the fire...
  16. Another push along we acquired a few years ago. Plan was to tow it behind child no 3's tractor. Once we took it apart it was a basket case, the whole gearbox was seized I had to chop the plastic in half to split it, so a new boss had to be made. Then new hubs, to replace the rubbish plastic wheels it had. This allowed sack cart wheels to be added. I think we might adapt it to tow later...
  17. My son bought a plough cheap at a show, finally got round to modifying it to clevis mount. Firstly making the mount from a few chunky bits of metal from Doug And then making the handle
  18. Hey Tom, good to see it's going to be a worker
  19. awesome trailer and bike really make it!
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