60 + entries to date. If my info is correct 4 of which are horticultural. 2 Wheel Horses plus another tractor and 1 Ransomes. Maybe another Ransomes on the day. Horticultural will have an area of their own. Forecast is for fine but chilly.
Not to late to enter.
I've just been on the phone and us horticultural men can have our own little patch. Also it's never to late to enter. Plenty of room and we don't turn people away. 50 something entries so far.
Well I've bit the bullet and entered, with the Black Horse and Auto Culto plough.
Tam Tweedie (Ransome Plooman) is coming down and bringing a friend. So I should get plenty of good advice. I hope.
Come on Jonathan, not to late. I'll get you in.