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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Top one looks as it may be some kind of clamp for joinery work? Bottom one some kind of crimping tool?
  2. Checked the bore today and it is within spec. So after a deglaze, the new piston, rings and rod got fitted. The engine is now complete but before I refit it, it'll get painted. There are still some bits and bobs to paint and the bonnet to finish, but the weather is too wet and damp for any more painting.
  3. All the Best, Digger James.
  4. Maybe worth seeing if you can buy it and the trailer. Even to sell on. I would.
  5. BTW. I think I've discovered why it was burning oil. Not worn bore or rings. The end gaps in the top and middle rings were in line and not staggered as they should have been.
  6. Looks tidy. Do you know if it runs?
  7. I got the piston and rod out yesterday and it was pleasing to see that the big end bearings and crankpin were unmarked. With the condition of the inside and paint colour, I'm beginning to suspect it is a replacement engine. No engine number either that I can see. I'll measure the crank pin and bore when I can. Nothing done today, as the weather has/is rather inclement. -4c wind chill and icy rain. Not supposed to be any better tomorrow except maybe some snow. I did find when comparing the conrod with the broken one from the Raider 10s 10hp engine, the 10 rod was longer than the 12hp one from the C-125. So that was an idea blown out the window.
  8. Take George up on his offer, Alain. He gave me a lot of good advice.
  9. I got the bonnet masked up and one top coat on today. But it was to cold really for painting. -2c with the east wind. So I got the engine onto the bench and started to remove what I needed to, prior to removing the piston and rod. I'll take those out tomorrow and give it a clean, then see about getting the bore, which looks good, deglazed.
  10. Yes! Honda logo and 4 cylinder engine/gearbox.
  11. Whatever you spread on the ground, bark or straw it will stick to their fleeces. How about solid wooden pallets?
  12. Three coats of primer and red top coat applied to the bonnet today. Also the drive belt guard. Flywheel cover and a couple of engine covers primed also. Hope to get the black done tomorrow.
  13. Nice straight furrows there George.
  14. I'll be wanting the graphics soon. See what you dad's got in stock.
  15. Bit cold and damp today, but with a bit of working between workshop and kitchen, I got the underneath of the bonnet primed and top coated. Took it into the kitchen to warm up, paint in hot water, spray outside, into kitchen to dry. Repeat five times.
  16. Removed it from the bench today and took some photo's outside. After a clean up in the workshop I turned my attention to the antivibration engine plate. Got it primed and top coated. Next it was the turn of the bonnet/hood. Borrowed SWMBO's hair dryer, (with permission) and removed the stickers from the sides. Followed that with a good going over with Turpentine substitute, then rubbed down with emery cloth. The photo' below shows how the paint has faded over the last 36 years. That was it for today.
  17. I'll just be going up as a visitor this year, Dave.
  18. Starting to look like a tractor again. Seat base painted and fitted. High back seat that was originally on the Black Horse. Cleaned p not to bad later with a wipe with white spirit. Even fitted a pair of rear lights that have been on the shelf for some time. They'll be wired up later.
  19. No and no. As I said at the begining, it's a worker and I didn't intend to take things this far. Besides, it's cost enough in paint already.
  20. Three coats of top coat on fender and footplates. Also some skateboard grippy applied to the footplates. Footplates mounted on the tractor. Remembered to put the drive belt on, so I don't have to take things off again to fit it. Got the seat base and brackets primed. Split pins in the seat plate suspension bits are rusted in solid. Had to snap the ends off to get the parts out. One spring escaped to hide somewhere in the workshop. I know there's a bit of difference in the paint colours, but I couldn't get spray cans in exact match. But two tone's good.
  21. In between putting up Christmas lights, I managed to get a bit of painting done. Three coats of primer on footplates, drive belt guard and fender. The footplate on the right is going to get a touch of filler. I should have done it in the first place. Into the kitchen to fully dry overnight. Hopefully get the top coats on tomorrow.
  22. All the best Steve. Have a good day.
  23. I dropped a bit of a clanger that weekend. We went to visit eldest grandson and his wife. We where just a few miles down the road and Liam and I could have gone. If I'd remembered it was on.
  24. My comment, Alan, was meant to be you admonishing Calvin.
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