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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. It is an excellent show, Andrew. No working area, but we have an unofficial ride round in the park. Make a few days holiday of it and explore Yorkshire. Most of the natives are friendly.
  2. Newby Hall Tractor Fest 2019. 8th & 9th June. Ripon. Yorkshire. Received my entry forms today. Now do I take three or four tractors? Decisions! Decisions! Who else's going? And let's hope we're nearer the camping area this year.
  3. Well done, Joseph. That exhaust's a fair hight. Is a MF one?
  4. Nice job you've made of it, Alain. I like the metallic blue.
  5. I'd hazard a guess and say yes. Behind that, there looks as what could be the headstock of a small shaping machine. BTW Alain. That is what we call a lathe. A turning machine.
  6. Valve spring compressor. I've a couple similar.
  7. Does look like it got slightly warm.
  8. Well done. Now what about the other two?
  9. Got the wiring done today. Found a couple of dodgy connections but everything works ok. Put a battery on, some petrol in and with a bit of persuading it started up. Played about adjusting the carb and got it running something like. Had to take the fuel pump off as it had a bit of a leak. Re-sealed it and that's sorted. Had a spare spring I couldn't think where it belonged. Turned out it was off the P.T.O. lever. So that's back on where it belongs. At one point I knelt on the floor and something stuck me in the knee. Turned out to be a front wheel nut. Silly me hadn't tightened them up. They're tight now and the rear ones checked. They were ok. The leak from the sump is barely discernible. No drips. Should be fine till I source a replacement pan. So nearly there.
  10. Happy Birthday, Neil. Have a good day.
  11. Got a bit more done today. Engine back on and engine covers fitted, along with the recon carb off Anglo Traction. I have found there's still a slight trace of a leak from the sump. So I think I'll have to find a replacement.
  12. What's the diesel engine make. Joseph?
  13. The engine is mounted on an antivibration plate. But I will be on the look out for another sump.
  14. Spoilt for choice a bit. But no doubt all three will be up and running by New Year.
  15. First photo' is where the crack is. As you can see it's barely visible. You can't see it with naked eye. So I have this metal repair epoxy adhesive which I've used before with success on a petrol tank. Below is it applied. The sump is now on the bench and filled with oil. I'll leave it there for a couple of days.
  16. Well done, George. Good end to the season.
  17. Merry Christmas every one and a Happy New Year.
  18. Didn't get into the workshop yesterday as I took SWMBO down to visit here sister near Oldham. Going in this morning a little surprise awaited me. There was a small pool of oil under the tractor. At first I thought the sump gasket was weeping. I'd used the old gasket, with a smear of silicon grease either side, as it was undamaged and looked ok. Something I've done many times before. So off with the engine and onto the bench. Sump off and a new gasket, with a smear of Hylomar jointing compound either side and sump back on. Engine was then left standing on the bench with a refill of oil in. After a while a trace of oil appeared again. That when I noticed it was coming from the sump it's self by bolt hole. Off with sump again and after a thorough degreasing, no crack was visible. So taking the sump up to the farm I turned the acyt' torch on that corner. Sure enough, as the heat built up a hairline crack became visible, as oil began to appear. I didn't get the area red hot, just enough so all oil contamination was gone. I have some two part epoxy metal replacement stuff, which I have used with success on a petrol tank. I'll give it a try tomorrow. A layer on the inside over the crack. Nothing to lose and it's got two choices. It'll work or not. We'll see.
  19. Happy Birthday, George. Hope you have a good day.
  20. Valve faces were re-cut when I did the head gasket last year, I think it was. Guides seemed ok and seats and valves lapped in.
  21. Managed to get quite a bit done today. One or two hiccups, but a good day. Got the engine painted this morning and the paint dried quite quickly. By lunch time it was back in place. Next I fitted the drive belt and this was when I hit problem number one. As you can see in the photo', the bottom run is under the brake pedal. Should be over the top. So foot plate had to be loosened, the pedal moved out and the operating rod disconnected from the pedal. Got that correct and moved on to the P.T.O. This provided a little snag, as the support bar would not connect to the pulley spindle. Cured that by taking everything off again and moving the drive pulley further in. It wasn't quite fully on by about 1/16". Just enough to prevent support bar connecting with the shaft. All OK now. Fuel pump is now refitted along with governor linkage. Finally I thought it a good idea to fill the engine with oil, which I duly did. After which I did a bit of tidying up before returning to the tractor. Then I SAW IT. A big puddle of oil under the tractor. The C-125 has a tube attached to where the drain plug would be. I'd forgotten to fit it.
  22. Wouldn't look out of place in an art exhibition. "Frame Of Toil ."
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