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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Just a thought. Has it always been ok before? If the engine is meant to use unleaded, maybe the leaded fuel?
  2. Stormin

    1975 Bolens G14

    Coming on well, Joseph. Good to see you tightening the wheel studs in the right sequence.
  3. Got my forms and will post of soon. Hoping to make it, but will know nearer the time.
  4. Hethersgill Vintage Rally. Carlisle airport. 5th of May. Camping available. Visit web site for details.
  5. I'd forgotten about the Trojan bubble car. Friend of mine had one. Perfect town car.
  6. Cars of that age, Alain, we call Vintage. Before 1919 Veteran. Classics are roughly from 1950 upwards.
  7. Is that as how you got it, Dave? Very tidy.
  8. It is Alan. We went to a different section in the afternoon. That had a down hill run then up to a sharp right. Along a straight flat then sharp left up a short steep climb. Easy to clear except it had a stop start near the top. Only three cleared it.
  9. All the Best, Ian. Hope you have a good day and that Nigel has bought you a nice present.
  10. Stormin

    Service time.

    I'm not. Done that before. I would have fitted the nipple in the axle, but that wasn't possible due to the construction of it. Box section with a tube through it for the bolt. Possibly bushed but I didn't look.
  11. It was the Vintage Sports Car Club Scottish trial today near Biggar, South Lanarkshire. Myself and a mate who I go marshalling at various motor events went up to help. Up at 4-30am, left at 5am and drove over to my mates for 6am arriving at the signing on at 7-am. No-one there and it turned out we were an hour early. Some one got an earwigging. I could have had an extra hour in bed. After signing on and a free breakfast of bacon rolls and coffee we drove off to our first section. The VSCC trials are hill climb events, mainly in forests and unsurfaced tracks. I did take my camera and managed to take 4 photo's before the battery went flat. The photo's don't really show the steepness of the hill, so you'll just have to accept my word that it was very steep. 45 degrees towards the top. Bad enough walking up and down it. Only about 10 out of the 51 entered made it to the 25 marker. Then had to reverse down. 
  12. Stormin

    Service time.

    Decided to give the fleet a service yesterday. Engine oil on all except the C-125. That was done after the rebuild. So C-81, The Black Horse and Sears/Roper all got new blood. The trans were drained by jacking up the front and a 3" block under the RH rear wheel. I only did the C-81 and C-125. The oil in the other two was done last year and still clean. I did find both RH rear tyres on the C-81 and C-125 had no air in. C-81 possibly not sealing and the C-125 has a split valve. They'll be sorted next week. Today was grease day. Every grease nipple I could find got done. Much to my surprise the Sears/Roper had no grease nipples in the axle spindles. Holes yes. Nipples no. Also no way to grease the axle pivot. OK! I'll do something about that. Jack up the front and lower on to axle stands. Keep the H&S bods happy. Removed the track rods from the spindles and spindles complete with wheels. Why make work. Then the axle itself after removing the front hitch. With that on you couldn't remove the pivot bolt. Drilled out the holes for the nipples and re-threaded to take the larger nipples I had. The nipples protruded into the spindle tube, so thin washers were used to pack them out. Next the pivot bolt. This was over long so lost a1/4" then into the lathe to have a grease hole drilled up the centre. Then a hole drilled through the bolt shank halfway along. Finally the end threaded to take a grease nipple. All back together and greased.
  13. Well, I'm at the A&E 😢. Today was not a good day. I decided to go horseback riding - something I haven't done in many years. It turned out to be a big mistake! I got on the horse and started out slowly, but then we went a little faster; before I knew it, we were going as fast as the horse could go. I couldn't take the pace and tried to gracefully bail. Unfortunately, my foot got caught in the stirrup and I got dragged by the horse through the feedlot. I couldn't get the horse to stop and was choking on cow chips (yuck!). Thank goodness the manager at Toys-R-Us came out and unplugged the machine. But, he had the nerve to take the rest of my change so I wouldn't attempt to ride the elephant.  Copied from RS.
  14. Black Horse and the C-125 basking in the morning sun, after a good wash.
  15. Yes! We need more photo's of it. Interesting set up.
  16. Looks OK. Out of my price range though. Plus no room for another and I value my dangly bits.
  17. We had a good day for the match. Weather stayed fine until some light drizzle at the end . Tam Tweedie came first with his Ransome crawler and drag plough. I came second with the Black Horse and Auto Culto single furrow plough. The results came as no surprise, as we were the only two in the horticultural class. I did struggle to get consistent furrows, as in places the ground was rather hard with some stones underneath. That tended to push the plough sideways or push it up completely. I did learn a few things though. Sorry to say I forgot my camera along with my plough weights. I think Alison (Mrs Tweedie) took some photo's. Maybe Tam can put them on here.
  18. Thanks for them, Ewan.T'others the trailer tail board.
  19. Stormin

    1980 Bolens HT23

    Looking at all that grassed area, I reckon a plough and a few implements are in order. Just think. Home grown spuds, cabbage, beetroot etc. Chickens and ducks.
  20. Today when I returned home I found a small package awaited me. It contained the required stickers for the C-125, from Mark and Ewan of RESTORATIONDECALS.CO.UK. So it was into the workshop and get stuck in. One last thing to do and that's a new exhaust sometime.
  21. Sorry I didn't make it, Dave. Best laid schemes of mice and men etc.
  22. All the Best, Jonathan. Hope you have a good day.
  23. A journalist friend of mine had no time for the likes of the Sun etc. Their attitude was/is, why let the truth get in the way of a good story.
  24. We set out the plots today and the ground is good. Already for Saturday 30th.
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