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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. I was at the right place at the right time, Ewan. For a change. I signed on as Richard was posting.
  2. Thanks for the photo's, Dave. Looks like you had a decent day and turnout. That first Wheel Horse looks like it could belong to a friend of mine from Carlisle.
  3. You may get a second opinion.
  4. I wouldn't worry about that.
  5. If you put a cigarette paper under the straight edge and can't pull it out, that shows is flat enough. A cigarette paper is one thousand of an inch thick. If it pulls out easy, try two papers and so on. Give some idea of out of flat.
  6. Nearly there. Before you reassemble check with a straight edge just to make sure it is nice and flat.
  7. All the Best, Paul. Have a good day.
  8. The head warping is most likely due to the head not being bolted down correctly. But if it's been running to hot, that also could be the cause. Though if that was so, I would think the valve seats would be burnt. Carbon build could be to never been de-coked or worn rings.
  9. I'm with Richard. Really needs more work. Do as he suggests. Ship and a 1/2 pence of tar and all that. As for painting the block, I used BBQ paint on the Black Horse. Still looks fine.
  10. I'll have that as well. Well, if swmbo can have a new kitchen, I can have a few tractor bits.
  11. Subject to carb number consider kit sold. I'll check tomorrow. Been wielding a chainsaw all day and feeling a little jaded.
  12. Richard, you have a PM. In a minute or two.
  13. We'll make an engineer/machinist of you yet.
  14. Not a problem with that, Rob.
  15. Stormin

    Slipping belt?

    A couple of weeks back, maybe more, it's me age, I replaced the drive belt on my WH C-125. The old girl gets used far more than her stable mates. Mainly mowing duties on the green and verges around my abode. Yesterday after mowing, I put the lawn sweeper on to tidy up a bit. I say a bit as the rate that the leaves are falling it's darn near impossible to keep things tidy. The corner of the green between the junction of lane and bridleway, is slightly steep and where I usually drive onto the green to start work. As I drove on with the sweeper, the old girl was struggling in 3rd H and half revs. Usually not a problem. Engaged low box and up she went. My first thought was the drive belt slipping. This morning I decided to investigate. The belt was a tad slack and I noticed the clutch pedal when released, was against the foot plate. So I removed the connecting rod, after removing the near side wheel. The trunnion adjuster was rather tight so needed freeing off. Probably never been touched in 36yrs. Replaced the rod with the trunnion not screwed as far on and the pedal clear of the footplate. Happy to say success and the old girl climbs the slope with out any todo.
  16. You'd better weather for it than up here. What year is the vintage shopping trolley in the 13th photo?
  17. To remove carbon, I use an old 6" rule very carefully. Also a piece of brass strip. I finish off with Scotch Bright or wire wool. For the outside, wire brush, scraper and plenty of patience.
  18. Made in India. Royal Enfield sold everything to an Indian company in the 1980's I think it was. Price wise I've no idea.
  19. Nice! I've got its smaller twin only the roof slopes t'other way.
  20. I remember Aladdin Pink paraffin. There was a couple of those cans in my late uncles garage, plus a Castrol oil cabinet and various oil cans etc. when my father and I cleared it out. I say cleared out. We got as much as we could into a pickup and cattle trailer as we could, but a lot of stuff we had to leave behind.
  21. Maybe some of those dealers listed are still in business and could answer.
  22. Happy Birthday Ewan. Have a good day lad. Not forgetting Jake.
  23. Not seen a Leyland Comet for years. The yellow Wolsely mower in the auction, (425) I had one for a while where I lived before here. It would cut down gooseberry bushes. A member on here got the rear axle a couple of years back.
  24. Try a local agricultural dealer or someone who repairs agricultural machinery. There's Thomas Graham in Carlisle. They supply everything from steel to nuts and bolts and all in between. Bit far for you I know. There's Spaldings in Lincoln, similar to Grahams. We've had stuff off them for the farm in the past.
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