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Everything posted by CNew
  1. Hmmm, interesting- good to know. I have half a dozen caps that all have worn out O-rings, someone must have replaced the washers over the years.
  2. Thanks JustO&R- that does seem a little high given the few parts, but something to watch and see if they lower the price. Found this funny Frankin’ Amp Champ as well... also priced too high. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Varo-Inc-Amp-Champ-4750a-Portable-Generator-w-O-R-Orline-Mustang-Engine/153783035486?hash=item23ce2ee65e:g:aeIAAOSw9xJeDYHy Doesn't look like it is quite as nice as the one you have or the one Wallfish built up but I think it’s pretty decent and given that these don’t come up very often I had to grab it. By the way, I’m likely to order some O-rings for the standard O&R chainsaw gas and oil caps. I can’t seem to find anything less than a quantity of 100 so if you guys are in need of a few to refresh your caps just let me know.
  3. As a matter of fact I did I haven’t received it yet, could be another week or two before it arrives. Will definitely post some pics as soon as it shows up.
  4. Ok, cool thanks! For some reason it just looks a lot larger. I was thinking maybe it was a 12 or 14” blade. Thanks for the heads-up on the left hand thread too!
  5. Great looking saw. Wow, that’s one fierce looking blade! I haven’t really started to look yet but I will once I know the correct size. I think I’m going to first try to find one of those solid carbide disc style blades without teeth.
  6. Wallfish, Were you successful finding a new blade or a NOS blade that fits well for this saw?
  7. Does anyone know what size blades fit well on these Orline cut off saw? Is there a more modern blade that might work?
  8. I really like the look of the exhaust and muffler shown in the photo on the old TAS engine. Can you add some more close up photos?
  9. Very cool! I have one of those little outboard motors and the 1.2 has some real power, that’ll be one impressive Little Petro!
  10. Brad, Did you end up getting the parts you were looking for? What kind of O&R tool or engine are you rebuilding?
  11. DCM, Did you get the diaphragm and needle assembly you were needing? I lost track of this thread while I was moving. Hopefully you have everything you need to get your Aquabug up and running. Looking forward to hearing how the project is going.
  12. That would be a lot of fun. Now that I’m in AZ I’m really going to miss being able to go to local tractor and old iron shows. Let’s keep thinking about that, there is bound to be something in between us. Thanks pmackellow! Are you working on any new projects these days?
  13. That did come out nice, paint looks nice and bright. Tough decision on the recoil, maybe depends a little on what you do with the gas tank...
  14. Thanks, I tried not to overdo this one. It has a good bit of character and age so I kept it as-is as much as possible but got all the important stuff good and clean. The lighting in my photos isn’t too great, might need to take it outside and get a couple better pics. Anxious to see your Tiny Tiger 400 when you’re done with it.
  15. Finally got around to cleaning this one up a bit. Also got it running today, took a few more attempts than usual but once it fired it ran pretty strong. It’s always satisfying to fire these up!
  16. Good for you! I had that on my watch list and had every intention to bid and somehow I totally forgot when it was ending and missed it...
  17. Here’s one of the punch sets, works pretty well for the price.
  18. Yeah, when I was restoring my Cub Cadet and rebuilding the old Kohler engines I invested in a good set of micrometers. That is a muffler, just finished cleaning it up and I’m going to use it on a project I’ve been contemplating.
  19. Here are the measurements for the exhaust and tank gaskets.
  20. I should have an exhaust gasket somewhere, I’ll measure one along with the tank gasket.
  21. Too funny Wallfish, I was reading through older posts last night and looked at the Toby Cart and thought the exact same thing....
  22. I can dig out my micrometer and try to measure the new one.
  23. Too bad Eric can’t do magic and make the little rubber seals too! Ha, yeah but do you know what year the gasket was made and name of the production worker that stamped it out?. Having Eric CAD up some exhaust gaskets might be worth the expense. After the case seals, it's the second most often place you'll find leaks. Eric and I traded emails about maybe making these gaskets but I haven’t had time to go hunting again for the right gasket material. On my to do list...
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