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Tom last won the day on August 30 2020

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About Tom
  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/10/1998
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  • Interests
    Wheel horses, landrovers, john deeres
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  1. Tom

    John Deere 110

    Hi all, Hope everyone is well. Haven't posted on here in a long while as work is incredibly busy but try to pop on for a browse now and then. Just thought I'd share my latest purchase as it's pretty special (in my opinon!!) and I have been after one for years. Just the one picture for now, more to follow. Curious to know how many of these exist in the UK? Tom
  2. Tom


  3. Hi Chris, I received the entry form however unfortunately I'm not going to be able to make it this year. I hope you guys have a good time and I hope the weather is as good as last year!! Tom
  4. Tom


    Hi, I have PM'd you. Kind regards
  5. No, it's not Iain this time! Even more local, it's amazing how close other collectors are without you even knowing! Tom
  6. Hi guys, The martin markham made it's way too its new home tonight. Unfortunately I felt I needed to let it go because of my recent, much larger, purchases! It went to a very local collector who says it will be attending it's first show next month!! I'm glad it's only gone down the road. Tom
  7. Thanks Paul, it certainly can That's the problem Chris, I'm having to sell a few things to make space, it's worth it though.. It certainly is, for 9500 hours on the clock it's doing very well. It is a one owner from new and that owner, believe it or not, was Sandringham Estate so it's not had a hard life and I know it's always been well looked after with regular servicing using genuine oil and filters. Thanks guys Thanks Iain, I'm pleased with it. I decided not too drive it home, thought I'd take it home on the low loader instead, a bit quicker and a bit more comfortable!! Some of the horses can retire now as I can use this instead Very true Tom
  8. Looking good Ewan, the chassis is looking awesome, you have done a great job of it. Tom
  9. Tom

    time warped 417-A

    Great find, I especially like the chrome hub caps! Have you got any pictures of the sweeper? Tom
  10. Thought I'd share a few pictures of mine and dads new purchase.. Tom
  11. Big one is a 7930 and I'm pretty sure the small one is a 6420s, I do love the deeres Tom
  12. You have plenty of nice ones to choose from! Thanks Iain, such a good little tractor and so reliable. Tom
  13. So would I, it will be interesting to see if anymore come about in the future.. Tom
  14. This ones staying, for now Thank you, it certainly is a good worker, a real tough machine. Tom
  15. I think I will, I'm waiting for another one to pop up.. I think I may be waiting a while! I'm still yet to see another with the same hitch as yours and mine, very weird, Tom
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