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Everything posted by Ian
  1. I hadn't spotted the shortened chassis!
  2. Thanks guy's, yep there will of course be a build series Mark
  3. Nice work Charlie, just the right size I get what Sten is saying about the weight being at the front, but I do wonder how much weight the caravan body with all the normal stuff inside (fridge,cooker, bedding, gas bottle or two, etc) would come too.. I bet not far off the same weight as your two little tractors
  4. Morning chaps. With the arrival of Project Zero-ish turn the time has come (and much over due it is too) to make some more working space in the shack! As you can see it's a bit of a mess! These are the least disturbing photo's As you know the space in the corner has been cleared to I could at least get the new project in the dry, not ideal for working on it though! While I was digging under my main bench the other day for engine parts for diggerjames and had most of the junk pulled out I thought I might as well sort it all out! 90% of the junk neatly fitted into 50% of the space Pete dropped in Tuesday to give me a hand with the next stage... Sorting out the top and size of the bench!! Can you spot where the vice was bolted down? A rare sight indeed, a clean bench! What happened next may seem a little strange! Marking a cutting line with the grinder.. Yep, I did say marking a "cutting line" A while later, the bench was in "slimline mode" So why have I cut the bench in half? Although the bench was a nice big size I could only really reach the front half of it! Which meant the back half only got covered in junk and metal off cuts! And as I managed to operate just fine on half of the bench, it's all I really needed.. and some extra floor space would come in handy Of course I now have a box and a half of off cut's to find home for, but I think I have that worked out. The blue box is Wh spares which are waiting for some racking to be moved! The first job for the new narrow bench was getting Kenny's panels finished.. Good progress was made on that yesterday until tiredness hit big time about lunch time! Feeling more awake today Stay tuned for more space making work... Still loads to do.
  5. Good news indeed mate, I know you have been worried about Wh transport this coming show season.. It looks a bit longer than your old LT, will it fit on your drive?
  6. Sorry Chris, no video as I was too busy trying to get the lawn cut before the forecast rain arrived! Which it never did in the end The mowing duo.. A slightly closer view of my cutter deck shrapnel shield.. Or a bit of ally clamped on the deck to leave nice straight rows of cut grass. The Westwood lawn sweeper I bought from Chris did a fine job once I had worked out the faster you drive the better it picks up the grass! Made for some interesting high speed swerving around trees and trying not to hit the clothes dryer moments Job well done.. Well, almost... As I don't have the space or need for a compost heap all the grass trimmings go in the recycle bin.. Which happened to be full at the time! So I was left with lot's of big grass mole hills to load in the trailer.... Of course the recycling bin has now been emptied
  7. That's quite a mad looking machine, one to keep the toes away from Good to see you have got it running Paul
  8. Wheel Horses, a kart, a nice bike and a fun car, what more could a chap want in his shed ..... Ok, a pool table and bar would be nice too
  9. It's going to be nice to see another mad UK build, keep us posted on how your getting one with it James
  10. Ian

    My 54in Monster

    That's a beast of a mowing machine Chris
  11. I have it worked out in my head how to do it, but as is my style (or lack of) I need to hold parts in place to work it fully out.. I think waiting to see how I'm going to do it would take less time than reading through my full 6x6 build on RS
  12. That's the idea Norm, unlike when I tried it on my 6x6 this time it will work
  13. Both Nigel and I are in Hawkhurst
  14. Sounds good to me Mark, just let me know when Even though I've not started on this project yet, parts wise it has been a productive day.. I went to the shack to look for engine parts for DiggerJames (come on James, post about your new build here ) and kept finding parts for Project Zero turn! I have found the brake discs, lift arm stop, ammeter and mounting bracket!! I wonder what I will find tomorrow
  15. Shame about the weather and having to cancel, but at least Project C4 got a good workout
  16. It's good to have you here Growbag, I'm not that far away on the Kent/East Sussex border.
  17. Happy Birthday Karl, hope you have a good day with plenty of Wh gifts
  18. Correct Thanks Koen, I hope to get started on it asap but I do have some interior Workshack remodeling to do first! I have indeed. I had to wait until I had something to show before I announced my plans to the world Thanks Chris, it was great to visit last weekend, it was a shame I didn't have more time! Maybe not get my Wife to drive me over for the next visit Your welcome mate, good to catch up with both you and Wendy yesterday. And a big thanks for offering the Wh delivery service Lol, yep it was Tea.. at least I think the small round bags had tea in them... Coffee is more my line of expertize
  19. That's a nice little find Neil. What are your plans for it? Restore or run her as she is?
  20. It's a shame the museum saw fit to leave it outside Kenny, but at least it looks like you have hit the jackpot with a starting handle
  21. That looks a very handy and capable machine Norm
  22. I bet it you had a big grin on your face when the 4wd got you through all the mud
  23. Afternoon all thought I would introduce you all to my new project A Wheel Horse Raider 14 Zero turn If you have been keeping an eye on the shout box you will of worked out I was buying more than just a lawn sweeper from Chris The Showman So thank you to Chris for selling one of your Raider to me and a big thank you to Paul and Wendy for delivering it this morning Quite a bit of time yesterday (and some today) was spent sorting out this mess.. To find some space for the Raider.. It does fit Paul As you can see it came without a bonnet or engine, which is where the green acorn firing Kohler 14hp engine will come in handy. This wasn't the original plan for this engine but as I have it and it mostly runs I might as well use it Now you know Koen A replacement bonnet should be arriving this coming week.. I need to look up the year, here's the chassis plate. The fender pan will need a bit of work, but the rusted out bit is only a flat bit of plate. The engine was put on the chassis partly because it was somewhere to put it, an partly to see if the low mounted starter motor would get in the way of the battery tray.. It does! The main reason for building this zero turn machine (other than, why not? ) is for a fun grass cutting machine.. So I also bought this slightly rusty rear discharge deck from Chris.. I think it came from a 12hp C-series?? The plan is to get the Raider running and moving under it's own power, which shouldn't take long, and then use it while making a new "up-swept" front axle to fit some castor wheels using Wh front wheels.. The Raider will go on the big bench (which my 6x6 was built on) to have steering brakes fitted.. So that's the plan guy's and girls.... What do you think ?
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