Evening all, I was going to do this update later until Tescos had delivered and dinner had been eaten.. But as dinner is currently in the back of a Tescos van which is stuck on a grass verge somewhere (awaiting a tow), I thought I'd make a start now...
I hope you all like lot's of photo's as there's quite a few
I've turned my attention back to the front end, it would be nice to get it rolling so it can be taken off the bench and wheeled outside for a good look...
Anyway, I did a little tweak to the disc hub thingy to create a bit more caliper space inside the wheel.. I'm happy there's plenty of clearance now..
My front end design came from http://www.ronsbits.co.uk a place that sells mower racing parts to... Well, mower racers
My starting point is this lot.. A block of steel that need cutting in half, a length of steel bar that needs cutting in four, and four rather large rose joints, here's two of them..
Steel block sliced in two, one half has been faced off in the lathe to make sure it's square.. Or even rectangular
The trailer spindles I'm using need a little trim in the lathe, here's Nigel trimming one of the spindles..
Ta Daa..
Now for the fun bit.. The block needs a hole bored through it at a 6 degree angle to give me some good steering geometry.. If I had of had a big enough drill bit I could of just set the bed on my pillar drill to the right angle and drilled the hole..
But as I don't have a big enough drill bit I had to work out how to do it on the lathe..
After a lot of thought I came up with a simple solution using a bit of cardboard and something that looks like a tuning fork but minus the handle!
Plonk the block (making sure it's the right way round) in the rectangle conveniently marked out on the cardboard..
Line the ruler up with the other line which just happens to be at the correct 6' degree's to the block..
And add the half of tuning fork until it lines up with the ruler. The end of the fork tips (I need to think of a better name for it ) also has the correct angle to make it line up right...
Clamp everything down firmly (there was a 8mm thick plate under the cardboard for firm clamping), and weld the fork to the block..