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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2015 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    C-120 refurb.

    Wheel conversion all done and dusted now. A bonus is the steering is a tad lighter.
  2. 4 points


    While at John's again today, I decided to inspect the crushed caravan hoping I wouldn't find another squatter. No strange noise's from the interior this time, but a very strong horrible smell drifting out from the door. Wondering if our last unwanted visitor had murdered a fellow squatter and that we might have a decomposing body to deal with, we rang 999. We were told not to touch anything and that the South of England's top forensic expert would be sent ASAP. He arrived faster than ASAP and I just had time for a photo before he disappeared into the depth's of the caravan. He emerged a short while later and reported that the only dead body's he could find were those of spiders and bugs which had probably been trodden on by our previous squatter, and that the smell was most likely from the damp and mouldy cushions, books, furniture and car seats which had been stored in the caravan for years. The leaking roof did not help. He also said that he had discovered something else buried behind the furniture. When asked what it was we were told that we would have to wait until a full forensic examination had been made, and that a report would be made on MoM possibly by Thursday. So, if any members are interested, keep looking. Alan.
  3. 3 points

    Working Tractors, Tired Operator

    I've mowed and edged the property, tilled the garden again, now to tackle the the trees and brush at the West entrance to the property down by the pond. I have a large steel water tank to remove there, but that's for later. I felt full of beans as you guys say when I started this morning, but right now I'm smooth knackered, trying to hydrate my old body. It was 98 today with a heat index of 108. Early I used the string trimmer and edged and mowed all the yard, then from 2 pm to 5 pm I cut small tree, vines, brambles, and saw grass. I cleared half the West driveway entrance, and after I burn out the vegetation around the tank area I will cut the rest of the brush down. Working tractors are great, but they don't operate a bow saw or a machete that's what I used on all this. But they did get me the 1/2 kilometer from the house to the West driveway. Next I will have to cut the fields and check all the fences.
  4. 2 points


    Today I finally collected the Bolens tiller and the FMC wheel weights from Alan in deepest Surrey a round trip of just over 400 miles. I met up with Chris, aka the Showman and John, the owner who was pleased that the tiller was off to a good home as he can't take it with him! Unfortunately I could only spare an hour and a half exploring the site and having a guided tour with Alan before rushing back to Devon. I only wished I had deeper pockets and the space to take more stuff back. The red Bolens was a beauty and it was good to see it in action transporting the tiller to my car. I was rather taken by the Cub Cadet there as well as Alan's Roper. The Morris Marinas were great to see but I did not have time to see the Ital van. The tiller and wheel weights are now under cover awaiting a through clean. My thanks to both Alan and Chris for thier warm welcome. It's pleasingto see Chris supporting and helping Alan (and John) out with the clearance of items and materials.
  5. 2 points

    C-120 refurb.

    I got the trailer stub axles I've been waiting for this morning. So this afternoon I was able to start the front wheel conversion. First thing was to modify the stub axles. The spigot on the end was cut down to 1/2" long then bored out 3/4" by 1" deep. Next remove the existing front wheels and modify the axles. These were shortened to 3/4". The modified stubs were located on the cut down axle and wheels put on to see how things looked. Things looked ok so axles removed and stubs welded to them. Then everything put back together. Still to paint, grease and adjust, but I think it doesn't look bad. Though I did find the left hand wheel has a slight run out.
  6. 1 point
    the showman


    As you see i had to get back into the dark depths of the caravan as last time I spotted something buried behind all the furniture and I wanted another look. Suitable dressed I ventured in and started pulling out the furniture and stuff and found the machine the only problem was the roof had come down and i had to jack it up to move the said item. Finally I managed to get it out into the daylight so here's some photos
  7. 1 point

    Working Tractors, Tired Operator

    Thanks Andrew, its a small plot for around here. It will seem even smaller when I get it mowed and get the steers on it. I'm working on a couple gates now and waiting for cooler weather to mow. Its been between 36 and 38 Celsius here for over a week or so, with heat indexes over 39c. Its real nice to have a tractor or two for each chore, each gets a work out, but none get over worked.
  8. 1 point

    C-120 refurb.

    All four tyres came from Big Tyres over in the north east, Andrew.
  9. 1 point

    New sign

    The sign would look good at the back of my machine shed at that house I think Rhys should give it to me Just managed to complete my collection by the purchase of two more machines, I will post some pics when I collect them. If we get some summer I will set all the full set of models out on the grass.
  10. 1 point

    Clinton 900 Long Life Engine

    Wanted for Merry Tiller Professional Clinton 900 Long Life Engine, condition doesn't matter. Will Haggle WHY....
  11. 1 point

    New sign

    That's a great looking sign, it has survived very well As Nigel says, give it a wash and wipe with an oily rag
  12. 1 point

    Plough for the horse

    First results are in Not to shabby for the first try thinks
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