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  1. 6 points
    Newbury tractor world turned out to be a very good show with lots of interesting machines. 9 Ransomes crawlers were on display including a non runner MG2 belonging to Stuart, we spent a good few hours on Saturday getting it running Neil valiantly changed points and condensor in situ , we stripped and cleaned the carb and eventually it ran. We started it again on the Sunday but it was very reluctant to keep running without choke indicating that for some reason it was not getting enough fuel, I suspect it may be down to valves or piston causing insufficient suck. Stuart came to collect it on Monday morning and I spent another hour struggling to get it running again, eventually it ran but not long enough for us to load it on to the trailer. The show was very well organised with loads of trade stands and in a very good location, i think it will be a very good show to attend in the future. Thanks to everyone who brought along machines and helped with setting up the display. As usual many visitors came along with stories about machines they had owned or still owned, I was particularly pleased to meet the new owner of the Ransomes front loading crawler that is featured in a video on U tube pushing up a compost heap. A good weekend.
  2. 2 points

    Tractor World Newbury

    The pictures are great but the display in the flesh was even better, the standard of work on those machines was superb, I would be terrified to ever use them, well done !
  3. 2 points

    Tractor World Newbury

    What Gareth forgot to mention was his 1st Prize for his superbly restored very early, 1941 Rotary Hoes Ltd, RotehO. Otherwise known as a Series 1 Gem. This particular G206 machine is the oldest found to date and was 105th machine off the production line. Side by side with my later Series 1, G1384 machine which was 'runner-up' they showed the evolution of early models of this well known rotavator. Here they are, wearing their rosettes!
  4. 1 point

    Tractor World Newbury

    Heres a few shots from Tractor World Newbury. A little low on exhibits but its only the first year. The weather today was great for October, but yesterday was a bit rainy on and off. Overall a very enjoyable show. Darmic1 should receive a special thankyou as he over half filled the section with different exhibits, and Paul Mackellow also took a good selection of O&R machines. I would also like to thank Titch for the decals he supplied that finished my machine off.
  5. 1 point
    The Fife Plooman

    What a difference a day makes

    Hi All What a difference a day makes. Local ploughing match very hard dry ground I could make nothing of it in fact made a mess with capital M The brain was put in gear fitted a bracket for a 56 lbs weight fitted a Scotch skimmer from the horse day,tried it on Sunday the-9th October different field different area different result although my finish let me down I still managed first place I was very happy with the changes that were made . little more tweaking and it will be fine As I was saying what a difference a day makes Hope you enjoy
  6. 1 point

    What a difference a day makes

    Hi George, If you keep ploughing like that I may have to bring the BEAST Back out.
  7. 1 point
    The Fife Plooman

    What a difference a day makes

    Hi HeadExam Here are some points for you to look at, the winding handle below the steering wheel gives you control over entry into or out of the ground also notice the slotted heel piece ,this can be moved to maintain the suck required hope this helps Thanks for your comments George S
  8. 1 point

    Tractor World Newbury

    A BIG Thank you to all who travelled to Newbury for this show! As Gareth said its the 1st year so hopefully it will be repeated and continue to grow........... Here are my pictures.........
  9. 1 point
    I have finally got around to restoring the 2 machines that came from Wallfish in a deal we did some time ago....... Both these machines, along with my O&R engine and Paul Mackellow's collection will be displayed at the Autumn Tractor World show in October. Here's a reminder of the 'before' condition, not that bad really, but my OCD dictated that I should restore them with a new coat of paint and some of Titch's fine artwork!
  10. 1 point

    ORLine Mustang chainsaw and Hedgetrimmer

    I used a couple of pictures found online to send along with the carefully removed old decals for reproduction. Titch @ Machinery Decals has done it again! perfectly recreated decals to adorn both these machines....... Here they are wearing their new clothes! The Mustang's bar decal has proved a little more difficult, however it is being worked on!
  11. 1 point
    Once the paint had hardened I reassembled the machines and sent Titch the details for the decals to be reproduced....... I then hand painted the raised ORLine logo. Here is the Chainsaw and Hedge trimmer all back together with the new paintwork!
  12. 1 point
    Both machines were stripped down, had the old paint removed, a coat of etch primer and the several light coats of colour matched paint applied....... The fuel tank on the hedgetrimmer needed a bit of work!
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