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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2016 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    1960 Wheel Horse Suburban

    Done a bit more on it ,not looking to bad so far, I really don't want to over do this one just want to put it back in good tidy working order just waiting for the fenders to turn up from Neil and the belt gard
  2. 3 points
    The Fife Plooman

    Stratheden match 2016

    Hi All This is the first time the horticultural tractors have taken part in this match here are some photos there were over seventy entries and all classes it was well attended The match was the only one in the past few weeks not cancelled by the bad weather
  3. 2 points

    O&R Literature

    Thought I'd start a lit thread. Here are some of mine. Lot's more where these came from...
  4. 2 points

    Reclaiming my workshop

    Machinery etc up at the farm is marked with Smart Water. The workshop now has a very loud alarm system. I must get the code or it could be embarrasing.
  5. 1 point

    Reclaiming my workshop

    On another forum I use for my business, I came across this post entitled How good is your Security? I thought I would post this on here for interest... I have used this system in the NT (all equipment are watermarked within the organisation and series also numbers recorded as well. Here's a thought. How secure are you? I'll bet you think it's all good, however after a recent visit from Plod I was somewhat surprised at the weaknesses and bad habits I've got into.Just had a security check on my house, business premises and vans by the local plod. Very very helpful. Lots of recommendations, some extreme, some blooming sensible.As a result I have now marked all of my tools with smart water, postcoded all of them with a CREmark kit and registered it all with plod. Now this doesn't stop them getting nicked but it can put them off but most importantly if plod do catch the ba****d who nicked 'em in the first place they now have evidence and can bang em up! According to the police this is the hardest part. They recover tonnes of equipment over a year but very little is securely marked and so they can not prove that the suspect did in fact steal them and not "get them cheap off a bloke down the pub". They also struggle to return any recovered equipment.So the moral is mark all your kit clearly and in an obvious place and then be a sneaky bugger and mark it using Smartwater. The police check every piece of evidence they recover for smart water.By the way.......the Police are very aware that Ford Transits are very easy to break into. There are keys available from a variety of elements which will unlock all Ford Transit vans. This will invalidate your insurance unless you fight hard as there will be no forced entry and insurance comapnies seem reluctant to accept this key story.Anyway back to the point of this post.... I will be getting a tracker, the PC who came to see me suggested that a cheap (ish) one from Amazon with a long battery life is useful, and also a seperate alarm for the back of the van. In addition my lock up will have reinforced locks on the roller shutter, a more comprehensive alarm and a great big, ever hungry, slightly rabid, man eating wolf!!! (Sadly the last bit is not true but I can dream!)I highly recommended you try the Crime prevention guys because you'll be surprised at what bad habits you have got in to re security. Do you set the alarm ever time you leave? Do you lock the van every time you walk away? How often do you leave phones, ipads, laptops, expenisive gizmos and gadgets on display in the van?I got all this advice for free by just contacting my local crime prevention officer at the local police. Give them a ring, it'll be worth it.
  6. 1 point

    Little Wonder hedge trimmers

    There are more pictures of pmackellow's Tarpen Mini Engine powerhead & Tarpen Flex rotary cultivator in this O&R thread that was created before the O&R forum moved here; I don't think there are many Tarpen Mini engines about as they offered many adaptors to power the Tarpen Flex range from mowers, tractors and other machinery. David
  7. 1 point

    Little Wonder hedge trimmers

    Lovely Little Wonder brochure arrived from the US today Amongst the products it lists this power head, very similar idea to the Tarpen unit that's part of my collection...
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