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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2017 in Posts

  1. 6 points

    Project Budget Sachs Diesel Howard Gem.

    This is my new project, a Sachs Diesel Howard Gem. I wasn't going to do anymore Gems for a while, however through my Website I was offered this one totally free of charge, and whats more its a runner! I've decided to restore this one on a limited budget, - ideally under £100,as in the past I've tended to get carried away with my machines, I think Keri would have a fit if she saw what I spent on G206. It arrived in my yard today, upuntil then I hadn't even seen it. I was pleasantly surprised by how good it is. If it hadn't already been repainted, I may of left it as it was.
  2. 4 points
    The Fife Plooman

    Engine crank up

    Hi All Some engines at the clubs crank up also pics of old buildings that are part of estate make them black and white to give age
  3. 3 points
    Sat the engine back on and refitted a wheel and tyre to check for clearance issues........ It's close, really really close! about 2mm close!!!!!! I think I will make up a spacer plate and lift the engine by 5mm, there is enough slack in the chain and plenty of room in the chain case to allow for a 5 mm lift. if that doesn't work then maybe make up some wheel spacers and move them out by 10mm or so? Of course the 'bodge' would be to dent the cowling in a little...... I won't be doing that!
  4. 2 points

    Engine crank up

    Shame to see old buildings fall into disrepair like that. Far more character than the modern dog kennels.
  5. 2 points
    the showman

    Home Built Wheel Horse 654/ 704

    Make your own rear fenders Ewan, i made some for a Trojan I restored ( thread on here somewhere) I'll dig the photos out for you and load them when my internet has been repaired, its easy and cheap. you need a spare wheel well from a scrap car ( boot floor ) i used a vauxhall vectra , i can make you a cardboard template from the rowcrop that has the rear fender kit on, just mark them out and cut them to size
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point

    Restored Paul Bunyon chainsaw

    Courtesy of Webhead
  8. 1 point

    Home Built Wheel Horse 654/ 704

    Get dad to pick it up.
  9. 1 point

    Farmer's Boy Light Tractor and Attachments

    Yes, most probably...... I could do the calculations...... but my brain hurts! I will have to measure the circumferences and see what the difference is for every revolution of the wheel! I think the clearance issue might possibly resolve itself? Those tyres have been on a shelf for a while and they were quite flat, pushing the centre of the tread upwards....... Hoping that if I get them warm and leave them inflated they will relax a bit???
  10. 1 point

    Farmer's Boy Light Tractor and Attachments

    Cant blame youfor going with those tyres at the price difference, I know I would do the same. Do you think it will alter the traveling speed being a bigger diameter?
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point

    Farmer's Boy Light Tractor and Attachments

    Also had a delivery of tyres and tubes today........... Had to fit one to see if there would be any clearance issues............. Erm????? They are quite a bit bigger!!!
  13. 1 point

    Home Built Wheel Horse 654/ 704

    If you ask Harry nicely he maybe able to help. He got a rolling chassis of a small round hood which he mumbled about sell the other day when I saw him Dont think it got fenders but sure it had a hood
  14. 1 point

    Home Built Wheel Horse 654/ 704

    Keep an eye open on US EBay fenders often pop up on there and most people are willing to ship parts , sadly the shipping costs can work out a bit juicy
  15. 1 point
    Its arrived !! The unit fits on the engine, just need to modify the base plate so it all drops on nicely...
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