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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2017 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I made a start on the Villiers Mk12 today, I noticed the governor had been broken off where the spring for the throttle connects. Whilst this didn't really worry me that much as I had the engine running like it. However, after removing the sump this afternoon I was greeted by some loose parts sat in the bottom of the engine! It would appear that the governor had possibly been snapped at some point whilst the engine was running, this then allowed the engine to 'run away' causing the governor gear and counterweights to self destruct! The brass counterweights are bent and twisted on the pivots and the 2 centre pins are bent over to about 20 degrees......... Thankfully the only damage these loose bits have caused is some very light scoring to the crank lobes. The crank and all other internals are perfectly good to use again. It's a good job Alan and Chris persuaded me to take the spare MK12 sat at Johns! At least I have a source of spares!!!
  2. 2 points

    This RJ turned up at the workshop today

    Here is a little guide as to what it supposed to look like , this model has the black rear wheels & silver front wheels . these little tractors were actually built buy Cecil Pond himself .
  3. 1 point


    This was last seen about 7 years ago before the undergrowth spread out and buried it at John's place. Even though I had a rough idea where it was it remained in hiding until yesterday when Chris came close to running into it while making a track with the digger. Both wheels still revolved and the central drive shaft could be turned easily using fingers only. One wheel rim good, the other badly rusted. As can be seen, not much of the machine left, but if any use to anyone let me know asap as it will be moved to a new home in the scrap metal skip next Tuesday.
  4. 1 point

    allen scythes

    Hi everybody I am a newbie to MY OLD MACHINE my main interests are Allen Scythes and Howard. I bought an Allen Scythe from that famous site for £10, four stroke Villiers engine runner will post pictures when I can figure it out here is a picture of one of my Allen F with cylinder mower attachment
  5. 1 point

    Turbair Turbo Tot, new addition

    Yes mate something different for a small display
  6. 1 point
    Cub Cadet

    Turbair Turbo Tot, new addition

    Quite a little collection of these you're getting together now Paul
  7. 1 point

    Turbair Turbo Tot, new addition

    Is the yellow engine bigger Paul i.e. More hp
  8. 1 point

    Turbair Turbo Tot, new addition

    Two more Turbairs turned up today, one is O&R powered the other one is a later model called a Turbair Fox.
  9. 1 point

    Happy birthday Mowerdar.

    All the Best, Mowerdar. Have a good day.
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