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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points


    In the back of the workshop I've had some iron garden seat ends, that I painted a few years ago. Finally decided to do something with them. So some beech beams from a ship I've also had lying around, (The beams not the ship), found their way to a neighbours who's a joiner. There they were cut into strips to make seat slats. I then gave them three coats of yacht varnish. Today I put everything to gether. Carol is well pleased as she likes a variety of places to sit. Next on the list was the bench we have out on the green. It was an old park bench that was given to us some years back. About 20 I think. I'd done it up then, but the years have taken their toll. That soon ended up like below with the aid of the chainsaw. So it looked like this. After a couple of hours it is now ready for some paint.  To be continued. 
  2. 2 points

    My Solo Multimot collection

    If no one had bothered to save or had an interest in 30 year old stuff years ago we wouldn't have any 'antique' machinery now...
  3. 2 points


    Having been given some trees nearby that have been ripped out with a digger, I decided to make a tote for chainsaw etc. This will fit on the front of the Sears GT16 which I use for towing my Saxon trailer. Better than having to carry things back balanced on a load of wood First I made this out of scrap wood. The hitch pin has to be removed to fit it and when replaced stops the frame from sliding out. Next a made a box out of wood salvaged from a disused dog kennel. The box has yet to be finished, but has been tested for strength. Takes my 12-1/2 stone easily.
  4. 2 points
    thanks guys, here's a video
  5. 1 point
    Anglo Traction

    Drive Belt help needed please

    Hi Ewan, I suspect that belt (spa732) is only a conventional duty belt. 732 is just under 29 inches. Being of the ilk that prefers to use OEM in these circumstances, I would suggest treating the machine to what Toro calls a genuine belt. The original spec is for your RJ is part number 1567. 4L x 29" . They had 3 grades then (extract from Tor manual) - Modern (metricated) European spec Belts are mainly general use types and have tiny dimensional differences. Quality is probably inconsistent as well. So 60 years later, the only place you'll find a correct belt, is to look West. Search using Toro/Wheel Horse 1567 part number and you'll get several choices. Toro belts have all the modern fabrics etc incorporated and some are cotton wrapped for quiet running. Depends what you are prepared to pay. Only other option is to go for something like this and see how it behaves- - A29-. I'll admit to buying these types for the mower deck and they seem ok, but haven't had a good try out yet. They have all the qualities you mention. You can get at least 2 of them for one OEM, so it's your call really. Regards
  6. 1 point

    What's this tool used for

    It's for forming the square on the end of speedo cables.
  7. 1 point
    Entries posted off this morning. Three Wheel Horses and the Sears/Roper. Nothing from Biddenden yet.
  8. 1 point


  9. 1 point


    Trial fit. Chainsaw, fuel, chain oil, toolbox and hard hat. All done and dusted. For some reason I can't upload the final photo. But it's on Red Square if anyone wants to see it.
  10. 1 point

    martin-markham colt

    seen on the A1 heading to Scotland one and a half Martin-Markham colt deluxe
  11. 1 point
    I am inclined to agree about it's appearance Norm. I feel it has that simple 'Bolty' look about it. Plus the combination of the colours and bright parts. I've been struggling with progress, as I hit a wall trying to obtain some drive chain which is only used on a few vintage machines and motorcycles. Zero response from two attempts over the last week, then tried another this afternoon where I got an almost immediate and positive reply. So I'm over my last hurdle of finding parts hopefully, but I think I will have to make another obsolete part for the engine, not happy yet?. Have made a little progress and assembled the Clutch/cable/lever, but had a problem with the lock screw gripping the cable tight enough in the lever. Lot of tension in the clutch spring to overcome, so I've made a temporary lockscrew with a socket head to be able to tighten it better- - Decided on the fuel pipe routing, keeping it within the frame and shortest distance. Original route can be seen in the 'as found' pics. Just the Carb end to fix and solder, as this pic was taken when a trial fit was made, the coil position etc is now tidier - As for finding a mower to attach it to, well it did come with the original mower it used to push back in the 1920s and here is a pic of how it attaches- One or two examples can be seen around the show circuits affixed to a mower, or like this example (off the Web) where an axle from a different machine has been adapted to fit- Would be nice to find a set of similar wheels to make an axle up for this one I'm working on. When it's fitted to a mower, the turning circle is enormous. Looking forward to chain delivery.
  12. 1 point

    Exhausting work.

    Made up another exhaust stack for the C-125 this morning. The one on was an old BSA motorcycle silencer. The outlet pipe was rather holey, with a cut up tin can wrapped round and held by jubilee clips. So cut off the bad bit off the BSA one and the tail end off a tractor one. The result.
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