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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. yeah, feb is a little late for snow. It's not like the good old days...
  2. nice wheels - can't beat a tractor in the supermarket car park
  3. Hehe, loving it. Great to be of service and catch up with you. Shame I missed grumpy
  4. Nice collection of toys!
  5. you need a reasonable 10W40 mineral oil. The later decals and manuals instruct that the auto fluid is replaced with engine oil.
  6. For doing valve collets....
  7. it's keeping them clean Norm, would be a nightmare in mud - plus they aren't designed to run out of line either I thought of cogged v with perhaps some grooves or notches in the pulleys to stop it slipping just not enough room James I've turned the sides of the sprockets down to allow a greater angle. I think running worn and loose with idlers is the way to go.I ran it again at the weekend and it did better, but it is an extreme angle i'm asking it to do I've just finished 4 years of development!!!!!Brief update... Started with a vengeance on the hydraulics. Done the levers Shame every fitting I have is different I think I'll end up changing everything over to jic, as can't adapt the spool valve to metric
  8. it is thanks, it's a good test ground well there is an invite just let me know when you want to pop down a think the weight helps you've got me thinking Doug well if you bring Noddy up... I have thought about life preservation...
  9. meadowfield

    Bristol 10

    What a great collection, they are great to load on a trailer as with no weight in the back they Buck like a mad horse. Combined with the tiller steering getting them on trailer is interesting as you say
  10. C4 has felt neglected lately and last weekend I decided to test its limits. It did pretty well, I think the limit is my own survival instinct
  11. Hmmm Someone better watch what they say.... Be a shame if I run out of mig wire, gas patience... I'm sure it will look good in yellow
  12. One dodgy meeting the motorway services with a scouser And voila, new wheel and tyre
  13. Lovely kit! Nice Muir hill in the background too
  14. Picked up no.1 son from work earlier. Pulled off th main road onto a normally good bit of road and BANG! Hit one hell of a hole in the road Tyre is knackered, drove 6 miles up home, there's no spare in my car Wheel might be recoverable
  15. Hey Stephan, welcome to mom, someone will no doubt sort you out!
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