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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. But a dry one too... The rain eased and I decided to have an hour ronking around on bendy. I really started to enjoy myself, chewing up the grass and getting muddy. Then this I over did things and the front three point mount got snagged, Only one thing for it, C4 to the rescue And courtesy of two go pros, here's some cut down footage.
  2. Wow, that's a great collection. Do they take it in turns to mow
  3. If that's the secret to your awesome paint jobs, then I'm going to have to try some!
  4. I'd love to... But time, money, national park planning are all against me. I would also struggle making it warm and dry. It would be a great area, but just too big to Heat! Most folks would I have a home network that hangs in there, if you call ping times of 2000ms and download speeds of 0.47Mbit sorted then yes
  5. Wow that's awesome, maybe I should paint my floor!
  6. Rain has stopped play for a few weeks and we've been distracted... Anyhow, the roof is now 80% insulated, the electrics are done and Internet and cameras are in
  7. love it, faster progress than my workshop
  8. Well the snow never happened More rain We couldn't get out if the village yesterday, blocked both ways by people who thought their cars were boats. This morning the A65 was single file
  9. You are right...B9gger, tomorrow's forecast cold and wet too
  10. Darn... Now three weeks into some of the worst rainfall and storms for years. Every day is a challenge to get through the floods. Last weekend the rain made something really special.... Malham cove became, malham fall. For the first time in living memory The floods in the valley bottom never really subsided, and the A65 has been single file through gargrave. Then I get home last night to see a lot of water has come through the walls and flooded my workshop. Tomorrows job will be getting some heat in to dry things out, and some water diversion tactics
  11. Speedy work boys, can't believe she's only 4 inches longer than a short frame commando 8!!!
  12. Oh no, so sad Rest in peace x
  13. Like Doug says, the cylinder is more efficient pushing. The rod effectively reduces power in one direction. Have you thought of mounting it like they were originally? I.e. On the left foot rest bar, then it pushes against a rocker on the end of the lift handle...
  14. Nice collection of big toys too, the cossie was the thing to have in the early 90's. Fond memories of watching those through Kielder
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