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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. I think I need some green in my life
  2. Ping me the serial number. Did you look on my site wheel-horse.co.uk? ? Sounds like someone has been mixing things up! Later c series started in 78, raider 10 stopped in 74 when it became a C-100 or B-100... Just deonded what mood they were in
  3. Happy Birthday Rob, Noel and James, have a great day
  4. Doug is right, I doubt there's any oxygen in order to get the correct stoic mix. You could try stopping the spark to the engine when you go for flames....
  5. Hard on the eyes is all I can say. The theme wasn't much better either
  6. Briefest of updates, bought yet more plumbing and started on mounting the pump, which is clutch driven. Power steering reservoir turned up today. Might have it running next weekend
  7. That's right.... Hmm. MoM's new strap line.... Stairway to heaven Or crank handle of doom, in Jonathan's case
  8. Guess that's what happens when someone replies to a two year old post I think we are all a bit older and wearier...
  9. The picture is two years old Chris I squeezed them onto standard rims
  10. When carol reads this you are in so much trouble....
  11. Surely if you are towing them, they are neither quads, or ducks... But trailers!
  12. I'd go with it be being a 2850... Raised air intake and front axle gives some age to it. Guessing there's a few years between pics Ian?
  13. nice pics! need a trip over...
  14. Norm is right, it's a snap gauge, set the jaws to max/min. Worked piece has to be within the two.
  15. That's a nice tractor, bought from near dunmow I guess, I know Nigel well... Has he still got the cub?
  16. Really admire the pain you go through to keep these beauties running. You don't have much luck at the moment
  17. Those axles just flip round 180 deg, they are just bolted to the chassis
  18. After a day of painting, cleaning and making fiddly linkages (not much room in there now) I now have working levers Linkages have equal throw, that's why it looks a little complicated. One crank is 2x longer, but the spool linkage halves this to keep things balanced. Dash decal done too.
  19. Nice work buddy, glad I could help
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