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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. Oh no, we are already at sub 30 horses I reckon, as I couldn't get my GT on the trailer. On the other hand Chris is bringing more than he thought....
  2. Where's the diesel commando going? On the roof?
  3. We need some evening entertainment. Last year we had the carb off a Bristol crawler in bits Saturday night
  4. That's a lot like he north south divide Charlie! All the horses are in the Deep South of the UK.....
  5. See them around charlie, not had one. Safer to stick to a modern chainsaw
  6. If you find them, send them our way
  7. Norm, We've all been through the same issues! Firstly the tank is a long way away from the carb, the pump has to work hard. The first thing to check is the pump, undo the two screws and take it off the engine. Split it and give it a clean, checking the diaphragms aren't split and the seats are clean. You can check the seal by pumping with your finger over the end. My sons is shot and we put and electric pump on to prime it. If you're happy it's ok, then check the carb, give it a good clean and set up as per the kohler manual. If necessary buy a rebuild kit with the new float gasket, etc. If you don't have time in the next day, then it might be a task for the weekend Cheers Mark
  8. Other routes are pointing to MTD yardman.... What is the transmission? Foote? Peerless?
  9. ha, just found this whilst looking for something else
  10. An approximate map of where things usually live and roughly where we will be camping. We will try keep an area clear for James+co, Norm and anyone else camping roughly where I've highlighted.
  11. The ground was so hard last year, my GT just didn't want to work I think it will be a bit softer going this year....
  12. There's a few acres behind where we camp that we play in on a night. We can always get away with a turning a bit of earth
  13. They've already rejigged the layout to help with water logging where they heavy engines are going
  14. Weather still looking hit and miss, though it's forecast to be warm!
  15. If you go in a Lowes store, everything shouts B&Q. It's the same layout and graphics, but apparently there are no connections. Style looks like a Murray...
  16. Good idea, lipo batteries are a loose cannon... Sometimes they die quietly, other times they react really violently and make a mess with a lot of fire.
  17. You took the battery out Probably a good idea...
  18. Glad you are all sorted, I would get throttled if I left that many horses on the patio...
  19. Looking forward to catching up with you all
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