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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. I think Janet might have something to say if that turned up.
  2. Some photo's taken on a visit to the above. This Caterpillar combine below, has to be seen to be believed. Absolutely gorgeous. Something for the Ransomes boys. This strange thing is a cutter chucker for making silage. If you look closely at this Leyland you will notice it's all cut away.
  3. A few photo's I took today on a visit the Transport Museum at Glasgow.
  4. Grand job and a lovely looking machine. I don't think I'd dare use it.
  5. All the Best, Paul. Hope you have a good one.
  6. Good job it didn't land on your foot. Might not have broken if it had. Not sure about your foot.
  7. Some years back we had an annual crow pie supper in aid of charity. H&S and mamby pambys put a stop to them.
  8. Be easier just to take the wrapper off.
  9. Yep! Photo 3. Tractors lookin' good. Andrew will be in the pink when he gets it back.
  10. I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's son. And I'm only plucking pheasants, till the pheasant plucker comes.
  11. I've seen the manuals, Chris. I'll probably end up scaling off one.
  12. Got the gearbox back together today. Was hoping to get some more painting done. The parts in the greenhouse are dry, but the cutter bar is taking longer, as that's in the workshop. Going to turn my attention to the mounting bracket and other bits I haven't got. Some plans or dimensions would be nice to have, if anyone can help.
  13. I hope you don't regret saying that, Andrew.
  14. Already discussed. And he is.
  15. If you don't really want a Barbie, you could have a Ken.
  16. Reckon you've got a bargain there at £100, Nigel
  17. A stove to keep you warm as you work on your build.
  18. If I remember right, someone ploughe their mothers lawn. Ewan??
  19. Didn't know Marks and Spencers made tractor weights.
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