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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. All the Best young man. Life begins at 40 they say.
  2. Nice job you've made of it, Darmic.
  3. Stormin

    Screw fix.

    The fault was with the screws going into the terminals, Alain. Though tight they musn't have been making good contact with the terminal. Maybe the type of coating on the screw threads. From silver, they'd turned black.
  4. Stormin

    Screw fix.

    The C-121 (Black Horse) has been standing idle for a while, awaiting a damage hub having a new key way cut. That done and hub back on, everything seemed to work as it should. Except when starting the engine. Or I should say, trying to start the engine. All that happened was the solenoid made strange noises. Flat battery? Check and fully charged. Solenoid only just over a year old but gave it a tap anyway. Nothing happened. Bypassed it. Nothing. Touching a wire from battery live to starter motor, spun the motor and turned the engine. All earths and battery terminals cleaned up with emery cloth and tightened. Still nothing. By now I was running out of ideas so what could I try? Now the battery leads do not have clamps on the ends. Eyelets held to the terminals with hex head self tapping screws. I know, not the best of ideas, but been ok for well over a year. Anyway, I'll put new screws in thinks I, even though the existing ones hold things tight. New screws and washers later, normal service was resumed. Pity I didn't change the screws in the first place, but who'd have thought it?. Terminal clamps WILL now be procured at the earliest opportunity.
  5. Had a look in my fathers tool chest today. The one he had is not there. Maybe sold off with other tools of his and his brothers some time ago. I ended up so much after their passing, that I would never use. Pointless keeping things that would most likely be thrown away, after my day.
  6. You could have one of your own with all the Ransome products you have.
  7. At 4am, I was having second thoughts about that. I remembered my father using one years ago, to check revs of a miniature steam engine he had built. I'll have a look for it later.
  8. I think the last one could be a depth gauge. The outer dial will be fixed, the inner dial turns to give you the depth. The spindle will go straight out or in. Not revolve. I think there is one the same, or similar and a dial gauge, in my late father's tool box. I'll have a look tomorrow.
  9. Discretion is the better part of valour, Rhys. I've seen it, James. Go for it.
  10. I've been told I haven't got room and other things as well.
  11. With those handlebars, it looks like the sports model.
  12. Stormin

    Kohler Parts

    I got my filters from L&S Engineers, Andrew. Got good service. Google them.
  13. You really shouldn't let that kitten get so close.
  14. It was a pleasure to help, Jonathan. An enjoyable and interesting way to spend 3 hours or so. Thanks for asking me. The yellow skimmer, Joe, was being towed by the Turf Trac. It certainly seemed weird sat so high and no controls. Just the brake pedals to steer with, using my feet. Jonathan provided a nice cushion, Rhys. Saved getting a damp posterior.
  15. Sad to hear. Add my condolences.
  16. New tap procured and fitted. Already for work now.
  17. Did I see a milling machine in Nigels workshop? You could cut it in half on that, using a slitting saw.
  18. That is not the right engine model I've written. that's on my saw bench. Copied off the wrong paper.
  19. Great photo's. I've not seen a Nash Metropolitan since my teens. I've now seen two in less than a week. One was at Scone Palace on Sunday.
  20. Half an hour with a hacksaw and you'll have the job done.
  21. Stormin

    light lens

    The one on the front of Black Horse is one of Marks stickers on a piece of plastic. See C-120 refurb.
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