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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Should be with you Monday. Unless he's got blown off course.
  2. I agree with Ranger. Try another coil or condenser. Condenser first. Oh you have.
  3. Pour so diesel into the bore and leave for a while, Ian. That may free the rings if sticking.
  4. Never heard of a trench rammer. Sounds interesting.
  5. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Thanks Mark. It's certainly a trial, but an enjoyable one. I think!
  6. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Don't think anything can be altered, Koen. Not sure, Chris. Maybe with the use of lift lever as well. We'll see in time. The ram leaks a little. With a new seal it may be smoother.
  7. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Wired things up today. Switch goes straight to the battery for now. It will be wired via the ignition switch eventually and fused. Filling the pump with hydraulic oil took some time. Due to where the pump is, the breather/filler is only accessible with an oil can. Finally test time. Much to my delight the hitch went up and down a treat. So on with the plough. Wouldn't lift it. After a bit of thinking, I decided to reposition the ram to fulcrum. Below is where it was. As you can see, not much leverage. So, finding a bit of flat bar I bolted it to the arm, so it was extended. Ram fitted in after much fiddling. Plough back on and not holding out much hope, I tried again with baited breath. Can't seem to get the short video on here, so I'll put it in the video section. Just remembered. I have to go via U tube. https://youtu.be/YrjilSgSi3o 
  8. I'd have the green one. But I'd not be allowed cos I sold the Spitfire.
  9. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Just a little bit done today. Motor/pump in place and hoses shortened and fitted. Switch wired up and ready to fit. Hydraulic fluid obtained from the farm. For tomorrow night.
  10. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Lets see how/if it works first.
  11. Those Marinas look immaculate.
  12. I was thinking if a light colour was being used, then the filler may show more than a dark one. Maybe some shade of undercoat after the primer?
  13. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    It's not ideal, I know but gear levers get in the way of a bar right across. I'll see what happens when tested. I may put a strengthening plate top to bottom or some kind of bracing. When the top plate is on, that will stiffen things up.
  14. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Bit more progress today. After much holding the ram in various positions, I decided the only place for it was under the fender. So that is where it is. Attached to the rear fulcrum. Lift lever and/or pump can be used. Also the lift lever will act as a lock when hitch raised. Attached to the side of the hood stand. Very convenient hole already there. It is a very tight fit, but nothing catches. The ram does not travel to it's full extent and cut out switches may be needed. I think/hope that should be ok. Just have to suck it and see. I did think the hoses may have been to short, but in fact they are to long. So I'll get them shortened after refitting the pump and motor. Switch to fit and wiring next.
  15. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Not a three point, Ian. Yet!
  16. Today I've been up my farmer friends place. One of the jobs was to get a wheel off a single axle trailer. The wheel hadn't been off since who knows. They'd been trying to get the nuts off, but to no avail. So today we got it in the workshop and I got the oxy/acet out and heated up the nuts. Still no movement. I could just see the thread on the studs and after a wire brushing could determine they were LH treaded. It's the LH wheel. We've managed to get four loose, but two are proving difficult. Tightening up after just a little movement. They are now going to get a good soaking in penetrating fluid for a couple of days, the hopefully will be able to be removed. The interesting thing about this trailer, built by the local smithy many years ago, is that the axle and wheels came off a Scammel Iron Horse. The three wheeler tractor units used in railway goods yards many years ago.
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