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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Good job, Koen. If you'd made the bracket and weight separate, it would have made fitting a bit easier though.
  2. Got some more done this morning. The bar finished painted and assembled. That's the easy bit done. Now for the fun bit. Making up the mounting brackets and pulleys etc.
  3. Dunno! But I think it's Champion.
  4. I think your forgetting to move your cursor, Jonathan. Select your attachments first. Write your sentence/paragraph. Move cursor down two spaces and select required attachment from list at bottom of page. Move cursor down two spaces again and write next sentence/paragraph. And so on. Make sense?
  5. Suppose so, Nigel. Then he can say, "I did that".
  6. Top hats = bushes shaped like top hats, Andrew. Just a small point on something I've noticed. The exhaust/silencer could do with some bbq paint.
  7. Well there you have it at the end. We English are in the right driving on the left in the first place. The French messed things up.
  8. Wishing Cariss all the best and well done Korin and cousins.
  9. That is a bottle cleaning machine, but adapted for cleaning plant pots. Ergo. Still a machine for cleaning bottles.
  10. I didn't but didn't want to spoil things.
  11. I've a jib for my forklift, Ian.
  12. That's given me an idea for saving the need to take the cutter deck off, to clean after use.
  13. I've never cut valve seats, but lapped a good many in. I lap a bit then clean off. Lap without paste and repeat until I can just see a complete thin shiny line round seat and valve. With an ohv head, I assemble then pour petrol into the ports and look for any dampness round valve head. If petrol can't get through, gas vapour won't. I can see the reasoning in the slight difference in angles.
  14. Be a begger of a job cleaning them, Nigel.
  15. National Transport Museum, Glasgow. Allsorts from bicycles to cars to steam engines and a great display of modem ships. Agricultural Museum, East Kilbride. Some fantastic combines and balers, amongst other machinery. Guided tour in the basement recommended.
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