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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. (1) You haven't got a farm opposite you. (2) Where's the photo?
  2. Sounds ok to me Angus. Just make sure some cord is sticking out of the plug hole to pull it out again.
  3. That's really smart, Ewan. A credit to all your hard work.
  4. I've a three furrow one for him, Nigel.
  5. Really nice job there, Richard. I reckon your friend owes you a few beers.
  6. Clean and polish and ready to show. Bet you wish that was your workshop.
  7. I can see what you mean about the new plough. Not your usual high standard. Look more like mine.
  8. Those furrows made with your new plough, George?
  9. Same to you Chris. No eggs here. Bar of chocolate maybe!
  10. Bit rotten in the middle that trunk. Time for it to be down. Machine Mart sell a handy grinder for sharpening chains.
  11. Well done Dave. They should make the Showman happy. Maybe?
  12. Happy Birthday, Jonathan. You kept it quiet. I've been in your company all day and neither you or Janet said a word.
  13. Happy Birthday, Gareth. Hope you have a good one.
  14. Don't know for sure. I've never had I happen. Just a thought. You could try swapping them round.
  15. Tractors now loaded on trailer and in workshop, ready for Friday morning. Just need to load the Disco tomorrow and maybe give it a wash. Maybe!
  16. Possibly. Maybe sticking needle valve holding the carb float down? Is the carb flooding? Are you sure you have the fuel pipes the right way?
  17. We've been lucky down here on the Solway plain, being just on the edge of the bad weather. Except for strong arctic winds. Up on the high ground and in the Lake District, lots of roads and passes have been closed/blocked. A66 as been closed and the North East and Scotland has had plenty. Hopefully this is the last of it. The hill farmers have suffered, being lambing time. Lot of sheep and lambs lost.
  18. Putin's maybe seeing how far he can push things. He's said he would like the Soviet Union back. Russian subs have been active for some time round our coast lines. All we can hope for is things don't escalate to far. All the trouble in the middle east doesn't help. Neither do the likes of Trump and co. Or throwing accusations around with out proof.
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