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Everything posted by Chris
  1. Very Cute hope your having fun
  2. Chris

    Mayfield Merlin No3

    Thats off my mates John Deere 400 tractor 60 in monster cut. We got the rest of it Just got to get the engine to run on both cylinders before its worth rebuilding the deck
  3. Picked up another Mayfield Merlin a while back. Brings my count to 3 Been sat in a barn in Essex for many years until a friend of mine took pity on it & saved it. Its complete apart from deck flaps which I have a set. Not made up my mind what I am going to do with it yet. I would consider a deal for a bolens or trojan tractor if anybodys interested
  4. Nice. Thought Fred Dibnah was dead. If so is that his twin starting your engine
  5. Thats interesting that there both back together minus parts
  6. Is that off the latest find Jon??
  7. Thats a cheap price for a bolens now a days. They all seem to be going up in value
  8. Chris

    My new plough

    Well done Tom, Just like mine which I found at Johns
  9. Glad its arrived Sent you a PM
  10. Maybe you should work for me Nigel
  11. Chris


    Smart work. I spy a bolens tractor in your workshop I shipped a right wreak of one out of titanic counrty earlier in the year
  12. Thats a high pressure spray pump for an Allen Scythe Alan Not that un common
  13. I will buy the engine if you dont want it Rhys
  14. Nice Tom, Not that far away from my place that was. Glad its gone to a fellow collector
  15. Chris

    Ransomes ITW

    Where did you find the wheels for this project??
  16. Bet Alan was kicking him self today Chris It was a lovely weekend in the end
  17. Chris

    Ransomes ITW

    Now that is just fantastic. How does the steering wheel opperate the brake bands??
  18. Must be a soggy site then Chris. No rain atm
  19. Well if Andrew got room in his crate I could be interested.....................
  20. Thats a fast paint job Andrew!! Thats a good machine. I swear there was another one like this on ebay a while back. It made strong money
  21. Go on James. Keep it in the forum
  22. Very god find in your case Alain
  23. Very nice. Your not running out of money are you Jon Just space
  24. Spot on! Theres bits blown away from the edge
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