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Everything posted by Wallfish
  1. Yeah, you're like me and have stuff sitting around waiting far too long to be the next project. One project I haven't seen yet is that hedge trimmer. Took me long enough to send it so thought you would've been excited to get that one going.
  2. Are you guys referring to the screw in the handle right above the black grip? Some drills used that hole for a little red stop switch. I have a Drillgine with the stop switch there. Also has the painted label on the tank. I'm guessing that's a Drillgine by looking at the paint on the tank where the decals would've been. Thing the Tote'n Tools would just have a single decal on the top but that looks like it had 2.
  3. Thanks Building it so I can race Terry on his skateboard. Already have the little generator with one headlight and the tail light, been debating on whether or not to add the second light or just go cyclops. Still have lots to do like cut the handle bars and add the springs inside them, make fenders, kick stand, paint etc etc. Not sure how I'm going to do the throttle yet but probably just go with a small trigger type. The originals were internal wire. So far can't find small enough brakes and a drum to fit in the small 4" rims. Bought a set but they don't fit right so still working on that too
  4. Nice! Did ya try the aluminum foil? The handle cleaned up nice. Manifold too if it's the same one
  5. Since these little bikes are so rare and don't come up for sale very often, I decided to build a repop. Doubtful I would spend the money these things get even when they do show up for sale, so this is most likely the only way to add one to the collection. Bending the pipe looked pretty easy to begin with but I had to do quite a few just to get twins of each. Making a template and making a better bender would be much easier to reproduce exact copies but since I don't have exact dimensions except for some basic height and length, making templates is too difficult to scale the size from pics. Once I get exact dimensions of certain points from an original maybe I can make a bender and a template to achieve a more accurate reproduction. So for now it was lots of back and forth referencing pics and lots of guessing, this came out fairly close but think the seat needs to move forward. It took a few tries to get a tool made for doing the flat ends of the pipe where the wheels mount too so they look right. It's was being worked on for the last few weeks here and there and I stop whenever I hit a road block but get back to it later with fresh eyes and typically a new approach will work out. Got to this point today which is enough to post some pics. Think the handle bars are a bit too wide as they are but intentionally left them long since they can always be cut. Banana seat caused some headaches with bending twins. The original flat seat would be much easier. Getting ready to weld the engine support. Threw on a recoil so it looks more O&R and set a tank on there. The O&R tank will probably stay instead of a larger original type tank And here's what it's supposed to represent
  6. A Comet drill would have be badged Tote'n Tools. Same for the circular saws too. Think I actually had one of those drills but sold it because the drill wasn't in very good condition compared to the others I had. That was way back in the day and now wish I had just changed the tanks and kept the Tote'n Tools decal on one. They seem to be very rare Funny how that happens once ya get started on one. Bet you're getting a lot faster at them by now anyway so might as well just open them up. Yup, clear as day it was run and sucked in the filter foam. There shouldn't be any issues running them with the plastic bearing cages and especially after going through it. It seems to me they only fail after long use, hard running or going well over 6300 rpm.
  7. That's exactly what I've been doing recently. Before I would leave the roller behind the groove it sits in to hold the ends of the spring up instead of using a string, then use a pic tool to move the roller up into it's proper place after the spring is in. BUT, by far using a thin piece (of anything) like that is the easiest and quickest method for installing that spring.
  8. Technically an original O&R piece since these engines were sold for the end user to power something. There was one like the Orline pump on epay with an electric motor for $40 but the idiot couldn't figure out how to remove one screw on the shaft and the mount bolts to separate the electric motor.
  9. Added some nitro to it and went to town on this Ash tree. Probably cut that stump down another 4-6 inches before the stump grinder. Just thought it would be funny to show how small these little saws really are. Should have seen the look on the guys face when I walked up with it an asked if he needed any help. Just a completely blank stare until he realized it was a joke.
  10. Those Tarpen tools are definitely cool and they look very well built. I'd like to find some for my collection but doubt there are very many out there.
  11. It was on the old forum when it was changed. 10 years? My memory SUCKS now and it's getting worse everyday but I do remember changing it. You vultures might end up with a good score when I soon forget that I even collect O&R stuff, and then the O'lady puts it all up for sale.
  12. The one I have is also marked on the label with a B. It's been a very long time since and can't remember exactly what it was from but I found a new impeller to fit. Think it came from one of those drill pumps My handle comes from the coil side as well but they obviously could be switched. Not sure why
  13. You can do it dry or just dip it in water which works fine but some have said to use Coke. I don't like the sticky mess of the soda and it doesn't really seem to do anything more than water. Crumble it up as the sharp edges is what cleans it up but will not scratch the chrome. Use it on the exhaust manifold too. Makes them look new if they're not too bad. Coating with a very thin coat oil after is good too to stop the rust from returning.
  14. How many O&Rs are you up to now? Guessing someone probably ran the old pump dry and smoked the impeller.
  15. Nice save. Quite the difference on before and after. Don't believe I have a spare exhaust extension but will take a look. You can make one out of pipe and you can also make a longer exhaust rod to hold the muffler out of threaded rod.
  16. Just guessing the pump was just one of little water pumps with 2 garden hose type connections like the Comet pumps and others used. Like a drill pump since that would have a shaft ready to go. Nice and simple and easy to loose.
  17. Diaphragm is on the way. Be sure to let us know how it all works out.
  18. The couple/few I have opened up had that orange crap on there as well. Don't remember seeing them like Clint's. Yeah, those wires you should totally strip and cover. Thought they would've been in better shape from your first description
  19. The black label on the top of the blower is an Advanced Engine Products label Definitely newer than 1967. Curious where you got the 1967 year from? Clean points contacts, clean the copper spring where it meets that little post, clean the post, clean and good wire connections on the back of the post, Looks like that brass stop switch is upside down so make sure it isn't touching anything The condenser body needs to be grounded and it's loose in the pic. Once all that is checked take the plug out and lay it on top of the head. Give it a good pull and you should see a sharp snapping blueish spark in the >030 gap of the plug. Lots of carb info in this thread linked below. You will see the ball bearing type check valve but yours has the rubber stopper (newer) type. The diaphragms for both are the same and I'll send you one to the address you provided
  20. Just be careful. I covered mine since there's no need to be pretty in there and it's completely hidden once assembled. My priority was to make sure nothing was damaged and stopped the operation of it. The shrink tube holds the old insulation once it's on there. It shouldn't be a problem to remove it all either and shrink tube it.
  21. Yes, you can do that. Just delete his posts/threads and credit him for the contributions of them in the manual section. Or, leave the thread posts and reference in each one where you moved them. I believe either way would work.
  22. Cut those caps off so you can work on the wires without being restrained by the connections to the cover. You'll find it much easier to work on without breaking off all of the old insulation plus you can now use shrink tubes to cover the wires. Once the shrink tube is done it can easily be handled without as much worry of damage to those areas of the wires. I used gray size wire nuts to connect and cover mine but soldering as David did is a much better connection.
  23. I still never found that first set of parts I was going to send you. Wanted to put my engine back together but they gotta be around here somewhere. Was going to get you guys pics of those parts and lost them some how. My airplane engine is stripped down, has a copper cap soldered over the flywheel side of the shaft, and a small port soldered into the exhaust manifold. It's used to pressurize the fuel tank which would be completely sealed so you could fly in any position without loosing fuel to the carb.
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