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the showman

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Everything posted by the showman
  1. After doing the fuel tank and pipes I put a battery on and she started straight away,
  2. Only nicked 2 lids, one I used and one as a spare
  3. Fuel tank refitted and fuel pipe and filter replaced. Ive been having trouble with the cap thats a Kelch twist and lock with the combined gauge, the original had a broken glass which allowed the water into the tank. I found a supply of the replacement glass in America but the post was three times the cost of the glass, I also found plenty on that auction site but again in America. Sitting in my kitchen drinking tea and looking round at bottle tops I almost siliconed a jar lid on it and did away with the gauge until I spotted one of Dylans bottles. the photos say the rest.
  4. Yes there has, and ive still got 20 of them.
  5. Looking through my literature today i found that its been 15 years this month that i bought my first Wheelhorse. I was looking for something to exhibit at rallys and saw a ride-on-mower advertised in the Friday Ad for £50, on viewing it I decided to buy it although it didn't have any makers name on it. After getting it home and a bit of fiddling i got it running and then discovered it was a 1969 Commando 7. Over the years I've had the odd one or two but this has to be special to me as it got me started with this hobby?. All my grandchildren have learned to drive on it and ive still got it sitting in the shed waiting for Dylan to grow a bit more.
  6. Many happy returns of the day Mike, have a good day mate.
  7. Got a photo of my chicken plucking machine on the back cover of Stationary engine magazine,,
  8. Pop down with it George and I'll weld it up for you
  9. Looks like the lug has broken off and needs welding back on also the lug at the bottom of your photo is cracked and needs a run of weld along it
  10. I didn't buy anything else and Pam was with me.
  11. Looks like a lot of work Joseph, shame Dad didn't give you some help.
  12. Thought we would have a social outing to the Autojumble this morning for a cupper and bacon sarnie, you never know what you will find. After having a natter with a few friends i had a rummage on a few stalls and here's the bits I found. A Kohler exhaust, brand new for £2. A box of Wheelhorse bits for £5. Fuel filters for £1 each. A nice little compresser for £25.
  13. Had a spare afternoon today so I thought I would clean the fuel tank on the Toro which is still in the van. I was surprised how heavy it was, once removed I filled it with Caustic soda and left it for an hour then tipped a very brown gunge out then washed it out with the hose. Having a look in the shed I found a gallon of acid concrete cleaner so that was tipped in the tank, after 30 minutes of it bubbling like a witch's cauldron I tipped it out and flushed it out with the hose, finishing off with a hot air gun to dry it out, end result is a very clean tank, not a 100% but much better than it was.
  14. Don't know how he said all that without laughing, i thought it was something you put eggs in to hatch.
  15. Looks like you've got it sussed George, well done mate.
  16. Its not for me, ive sold 5 wheelhorse's over the last couple of months and still have too many and no room.
  17. Ive done both Joe, they make good money all original but doing a full restoration is expensive and the differents in price isn't always enough to cover the work
  18. I wouldn't eat in McDonalds if they were giving their burgers away free
  19. Those brackets look amazing Alan, very nice job. Can't wait to see the deck hanging from them.
  20. Try these people Jonathan https://www.frost.co.uk/
  21. Another interesting project to watch in the hands of the master
  22. Looks good Andrew, its all down to power to weight , little power and loads of weight.
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